The things we do for law
So there I was, throwing away the plastic bag from the pack of English muffins:

And I noticed this:

What lawyer dreamed that one up? It's almost as if they're just waiting for the FDA to pounce on them. Do they have English muffins that aren't "Health Claim"? Does the label on those say "Noncommittal"? Are there other products, less healthy products that are labeled "You're On Your Own"?
And what next? On the sides of SUVs: "Manliness Claim Vehicle"?
Comments (12)
But then, Tom's toothpaste "is complete" and "helps" reduce tartar.
They should sell an in-complete toothpaste and does not a "toothbrush" and "water" help fight tartar?
Posted by Abe | August 12, 2007 6:39 AM
I think consumer researchers would say that it is the full sized pickup that has greater success with manliness claims. SUVs—in purchasing behavior and drivership—generally enjoy higher status among women.
Posted by skyview satellite | August 12, 2007 8:22 AM
I think Skyview makes a good point. Most of the SUVs you see are driven by tiny women wearing Nike ball-caps. Generally they have (name of town) All-Stars Brett #13 scrawled on the back window and the license frame says "I'd Rather Be Shopping at Nortdstrom".
Posted by BobM | August 12, 2007 8:47 AM
Bob M -
You left out two important pieces of identifying data -- they are uniformly yakking away on a cell phone and have a bleached blonde pony tail comng out of the back of that Nike cap.
And they can't drive worth a sh*t.
Posted by Nonny Mouse | August 12, 2007 10:08 AM
I grew up with Thomas English muffins. Had 2 this morning for breakfast, in fact. That same dumb label: "The Original Nooks & Crannies" English Muffins. I've certainly never heard them called anything like that before. It says on the bottom that's trademarked and, like the rest of the Thomas logo stuff, "used with permission." Permission? Isn't it their product?
They still taste good.
Posted by Frank Dufay | August 12, 2007 10:50 AM
Actually, some of us are redheads.
(But then again, I only have a small, relatively inexpensive SUV.)
Posted by Shelley | August 12, 2007 10:54 AM
I only have a small, relatively inexpensive SUV
Doesnt matter to the dedicated progressive folk in Portland. An SUV is an SUV. Even if the more reasonably sized ones get the same or better mileage that most minivans.
Posted by Jon | August 12, 2007 12:43 PM
Don't confuse inventory logistics with Big Brother -- dollars to doughnuts that the name of the bag in the company's inventory system is Health Claim English Muffins 6 Pack, to distinguish it from a bag that does not contain a health claim. It's just an identifier.
Posted by George Seldes | August 12, 2007 12:45 PM
Why do they have two bags, and keep track of them separately?
Posted by Jack Bog | August 12, 2007 4:07 PM
They probably have many more than two bags. There's the Thomas package for places like Wal-Mart and Costco, where they're sold in sets, inside outerwrapper (an additional plastic bag), the Thomas package for individual package sales, the Thomas package for export, probably a very minimally marked package for restaurant and food service sales, not to mention the same bakery likely provides the muffins for "house brand" english muffins (same muffin, different label).
Posted by George Seldes | August 12, 2007 5:47 PM
How do they decide which stores get "Health Claim" and which ones get something else?
Posted by Jack Bog | August 12, 2007 11:28 PM
I think it's more like "how do they decide which _countries_ get the health claim packaging ... and I think the answer is that those are likely the standard wrappers for individual sale packages for US market (where FDA kind-of regulates health claims on packaging)
Posted by George Seldes | August 14, 2007 8:24 AM