
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on June 18, 2007 1:07 PM. The previous post in this blog was Dudley quits. The next post in this blog is In Salem it's all about pork. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

E-mail, Feeds, 'n' Stuff

Monday, June 18, 2007

Dear Fred Stickel

I've drafted up the letters I plan to send to folks at The Oregonian and the City of Portland regarding those illegally placed newsracks at the corner of NE 24th and Fremont. The letter to the O (a .doc file) is here; the similar letter to the city is here.

Let me know what you'd add, subtract, or change. I'll be mailing (and e-mailing, where possible) these babies in the morning.

Comments (3)

Your letters are worded fairly. In a place or two, I thought of 'relief' where you have 'remedy.' And I thought to mention whatever understanding you have of the 'spirit' of the clear-sidewalk Codes -- 'safe passage,' 'aesthetic peace,' 'unjostled way,' 'no layabout vagrants,' 'no parade primacy,' whatever.

Neither of my thoughts matter. The letters are 'you' and are direct and plain-said. That gets 'er done.

My style might be on one side or the other of directness, I can't decide which.

Maybe punishingly tough, with threats: Your g**d*m paper box is against the law, and it'd be costly for you to recoup whatever matters someone might take into their own hands. Get it out of there!

Or, maybe soft-pedalled sarcastic, with brush-off: Each time I pass that corner it amuses me to recognize you are master of all Portland you survey from your top floor window. Who to bring up, who to take down. Which laws you like, which ones you ignore. And just how you want to place to look. Ads, vices, and consentings -- kinda puts the 'benign' in Boss.

See, Jack, I dither undecided. You get results. Keep us posted.

I'd be happy to contribute a couple of first-class stamps.

I forgot Marcia Dennis, the graffiti cleanup coordinator, on the city letter.

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