Survivor Portland Bureaucracy: Day 5
Sustainable Susan's tenure on the island wasn't... well, sustainable. And so she, Portland Office of Sustainable Development Director Susan Anderson, became the fourth city bureau manager voted out of our continuing online game, Survivor Portland City Hall: Bureaucracy Edition. Unlike recyclables, which leave the premises only once a week, Susan is to pack her things and leave the island immediately. The producers of Survivor will pay for her transportation as far as Arlington.
The first week of the competition was revealing, with Zari Santner of Parks, Bruce Warner of the PDC, Gil Kelley of Planning, and Anderson being ejected, in that order. Thirteen bureau chiefs remain in the mix as we continue along toward the title of Ultimate Survivor. Five of those will depart this week. None of the remaining players was mentioned by Nigel Jaquiss, Phil Stanford, or Randy Gragg in the media since last Thursday, and thus, no one has immunity today.
So here we are at Tribal Council No. 5, where readers can vote another one of the city bureau directors out of the picture. Do it for any reason, or for no reason, but do it just once a day, please. We'll keep at this, every city workday, until only one bureaucrat survives.
If you need a better picture of the players up for a vote, remember that photos of the entire cast (except one camera-shy member), and links to each of their bureaus, are here. Good luck to all the remaining players:

Comments (4)
More potholes, speed bumps, chicanes and she calls it "Transportation." Sounds to me more like you have to walk to get there--except where pedestrians are prohibited. We need a leader who can help us burn less fuel and stop middle class flight to the 'burbs too. Susan Keil is the problem and must go.
Posted by Don | May 7, 2007 9:46 AM
I am torn between Linda Meng and Rosie Sizer on the theory that, if we had public lawyers and top cops who were working for ALL of the public, then the relatively few lawyers and cops who belong in jail would be there. Trouble is,though, it seems, that where you have a political machine, there will justbe more wanna bees waiting in the wings. If we could get a net and scoop up the whole lot of existing and aspiring machine players and dump them off the island, and then change manangers at the Oregonian, I would have hope.
Posted by Cynthia | May 7, 2007 10:09 AM
You gotta be kidding! I voted and Sue Keil was in the lead! She is one of the few rational people in City Hall!
Of course she has clowns to the left of her and jokers to the right ....
But she is one of the [the only?] good ones.
Posted by Rob Kremer | May 7, 2007 9:02 PM
Sue Keil is one of the best at City Hall? How would we know that given what PDOT continues to impose on us? How does an ordinary citizen with only a small amount of time find out what's really going on?
Posted by Don | May 8, 2007 8:32 PM