Survivor Portland Bureaucracy: Day 11
Not in our back yard. So said the Tribal Council yesterday as it voted Amalia -- Amalia Alarcon, director of the city Office of Neighborhood Involvement -- off the island. Amalia was the 10th player bounced from the competition on Survivor Portland City Hall: Bureaucracy Edition. Even with her several coalitions, she garnered the most expulsion votes. At the end of the day, the computer awarded Random Immunity to Revenue Sue, and so Amalia is to pack her things and leave the island neighborhood immediately.
In other developments, our newest addition to the contest, Paul, survived his first day of competition yesterday. None of the players was named in any published writing by Nigel Jaquiss, Phil Stanford, or Randy Gragg, and so no one has Media immunity today. Random Immunity will be awarded again, retroactively, to one of today's eight players at the end of the voting tonight -- the winner will remain on the island, even if he or she gets the most votes today.
And now it's time to vote another one of the city agency directors out of the picture, reducing the roster of bureau chiefs to a magnificent seven. Do it for any reason, or for no reason, but cast your vote just once a day, please. We'll keep at this, every city workday, until only one bureaucrat survives.
If you need a better feel for the players who are up for a vote, remember that photos of the original cast, and links to all of their bureaus, are here. Good luck, players: