
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on March 16, 2007 6:18 AM. The previous post in this blog was Coach K, as in Krap. The next post in this blog is Your government at work. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Friday, March 16, 2007

Bad Idea of the Month

Ah, Salem. Now they're going to issue temporary liquor licenses to folks first, allow them to start selling booze right away, and then start checking them out. Can't wait 'til one of these opens around me.

Comments (5)

I seem to recall that's how things were done in the movie Casino. Get the job first then the license...eventually. Things worked out pretty well for everyone in that movie.

sounds like the OLCC wants the neighborhood to do its job. Just another reason to get rid of this useless agency

i can see the twisted logic: create a "trial period" for neighborhoods to try on the establishment.

two problems: (1)it's harder to prevent a business opening than to shut down an existing one, and (2) it doesn't solve anything at all.

just once, I'd like to hear a government official say:

"From now on, we will put citizen and ecological health first, and everything else second."

now, i'm off to pick up my new license to practice law. if I do well, after six months it becomes permanent.

Hey, how come the Garden Home Safeway has liquor and the Woodstock Safeway doesn't? That's what I wanna know...hic!

You people in Woodstock can't handle it.

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