
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on February 28, 2007 5:46 AM. The previous post in this blog was Potter to city: Remain calm. The next post in this blog is Bulletin. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Super Vicki rushed to hospital

Portland schools chief Vicki Phillips is reported in fair condition at this hour after what school officials call a fainting spell at district headquarters early this morning. "She was up all night looking at the weather reports," said a staffer close to the dynamic superintendent. "They were reporting that it might snow, it might not, maybe just in some places, maybe a lot, maybe not a lot. Finally, I think she just cracked."

Medical crews were rushed to the agency's crisis headquarters off Northeast Broadway, where neighbors were wakened by the early morning commotion. "She looked pretty bad when they wheeled her out," said Elgin Roundtree, who lives across the street. "She had on, like, an Army helmet and some kind of camouflage outfit, and her hair was all messed up. She kept saying, 'Johnny can't walk in the snow.' I think she was having some kind of a breakdown."

An emergency team took Phillips to the OHSU Wellness Center in the SoWhat district, where at last report they were waiting for an aerial tram. A spokesperson for the school district said that a final decision on whether to close schools today in light of the severe weather will not be made until about 3 p.m. "We've decided that it's better to wait until all the facts are in," the spokesperson explained.

Meanwhile, the temperature in Portland hovered dangerously close to the 37-degree mark as drizzle continue to pound the area. Stay tuned to bojack.org Storm Center 9000 for the latest developments on the late winter storm crisis. It's better than checking with your stock broker.

Comments (4)

Well then, let me be just the first Portland Public Schools parent this morning to scream: AAAARGGGHH!!! and WTF?!? Have we gone completely over the edge? Yes, there's snow in Hillsboro, but the sidewalk outside my Northeast Portland window is, uh, slightly damp; status quo for this time of year. Tell me again, oh PPS flacks, why do we have to put the entire district on 2 hour delay? And don't tell me about bus routes on the West Side and a few teachers digging out their cars. There is no justifiable reason why the district can't figure out how to selectively close/delay schools as needed. The best part of this is explaining to an indignant 10 year old (who's pretty good at spotting naked emperors) why the people running this show can't seem to get a clue.

Doris, as a Grant HS parent I am 110% with you.
This is now the third time that those idiots over at PDX school central have screwed up.

My son tells me it's snowing around Lincoln HS (waa waa) but surely now is the time that schools central start being able to use technology to more effectively micro manage these damm "closures".

Hmm, my kids go to Beaverton schools. We actually have snow over there...almost 2 inches as of the time I left. Schools are open, busses running on time.

And how would all of you loving parents feel if little Johnny slipped and fell under a moving school bus on the smallest patch of ice in the city?

You folks would call for a medic, sure you would, AFTER you called the lawyers.

PPS is just CYAing it. Which is smart.

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