
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on February 25, 2007 3:47 AM. The previous post in this blog was What's become of our country?. The next post in this blog is Number 2 is forbidden on the Number 12. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Sunday, February 25, 2007

It could have been us

Guess who's still trying to get into the electricity business. It's our old pals at Texas Pacific Group. They're going to be the "green" knight and take over a controversial utility in Texas. They'll make more power and contribute less to global warming, because making this a better planet is what they do.

Uh huh.

Remember all the fun we had with TPG and Neil and Peter Kohler and PGE? Remember when Opie tried to buy PGE from Enron? Seems like only yesterday. Good times.

But hey. It's encouraging to see that the City of Portland was so serious about the benefits of public power that it's gone back to drawing boards and is putting together a well constructed plan to form a people's utility district, with solid financing, skilled management, and... no, wait, that isn't happening.

Comments (3)

... They'll make more power and contribute less to global warming, because making this a better planet is what they do.

And I would suppose TPG will have the usual escape clauses in the agreement to assure that in the case of a "National Defense Emergency", energy crisis, bankruptcy, flipover sale, or whatever, they (or their successor) won't have to abide by the three coal plant promise.

I smell nukes.

It would be interesting to chart all of the companies around the world in which TPG has an ownership position. In doing a minimal search I turned up enough alliances to suggest that TPG will soon own us all -- everything from airlines to utilities. I hope its not Enron all over again.

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