
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on November 21, 2006 10:24 AM. The previous post in this blog was Love me two times. The next post in this blog is She'll get Googled. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Tuesday, November 21, 2006

R.J. Reynolds = scum

More tobacco marketing to kids -- and now they're singling out Portland.

Comments (19)

I don't disagree that RJ Reynolds is scum, but her evidence that they're marketing to kids is "the tagline rhymes! Kids love rhymes!"

And she claims no adult would be interested in not having to spit constantly? Come on, of course they would.

Tobacco habits are vile habits, for sure. But I dont see how this is marketing to kids...sounds like a stretch to me.

Where I grew up, snus was just a habit for redneck farmers because they could still use their hands to work. And dad doing it is a far better form of advertising.

And last I checked, you still need to be 18 to buy the stuff.

I dunno, just sounds like someone trying to control other's lives to me.

Sure, just like Joe Camel. "Be the first one on your block to try it!" Candy flavoring. They're after Grandpa. Sure.

“The reason tobacco companies flavor products is because they want to attract kids,” Meiner said.

Maybe its because even adults think tobacco tastes like crap...

Portland and Austin would be a logical move to market this product. They most likly are targeting people affected by the smoking bans. As for Meiner's comments they are ridiculous. The position she has with the county, is most likley funded by funds that trickle down through dollars from, the Master Settlement Agreement that the states made with the tobacco companies. She seems to be drawing her paycheck from "blood money". That in itself is hypicritical.

Maybe its because even adults think tobacco tastes like crap...

Believe me, nobody uses tobacco for the taste. I put away a 20 yr. smoking habit 6 mos. ago, and what I miss(ed), after the nicotine withdrawals passed, is the simple action of taking 5 and doing something with my hands and mouth. Of course the tobacco industry markets to kids/very young adults---they have no choice with their product. The sick thing for me is that I didn't take up the habit until I was 21 and spending far too much time in smoky pubs.

I was passing through DC, on my way to Asia, way back when, when Congress held those hearings with all of the tobacco company chairmen swearing cigarettes are just... swell.

The next day, I picked up the Post at National and they ran this quote from one of the chairman, off-the-record, after the hearing.

The reporter asked the Tobacco Co. Chairman if he smoked.

His reply: No, we reserve that right for the young, the dumb and the minorities.

I joined your club twenty three days ago after smoking for 33 years. A few days after I quit I saw a program on the History Channel about how cigarette tobacco is processed in huge vats of all sorts of rasty chemicals. That gave me some positive reinforcement.

They're not after grandpa or the kids. They're after the people that most product pushers are after: people who buy things out of an impulse or because of self-esteem issues. Those people are found in all age groups.

This woman is Helen Lovejoy from the Simpsons: WON'T ANYBODY THINK ABOUT THE CHILDREN!!!

Tobacco is many things, Kevin, but to say it is an impulse buy or that people buy it to raise their self-esteem (through blackened teeth and a drool cup?) is just...


And I don't mean the rapper.

Actually the real quote is as follows:

The tobacco industry targets its product to specific communites as David Goerlitz, a former Winston man for RJ Reynolds found out. At an outdoor photo session that had cartons of Winston lying about Goerlitz asked one of the Reynolds eexcutives who were at the shoot if he could take a carton. One of the executives said to take them all. Surprised, Goerlitz asked, "Don't any of you smoke?" The excutive shook his head and said, "Are you kidding? We reserve that right for the poor, the young, the black, and the stupid."

"thirteenburn", exhibiting the deep thinking and skillful writing skills that distinguish the typical troll: "Blah, blah, blabbity blah, blah, blah..."

And then he gets to the real heart of the issue (all while illustrating his finer (dare I say “feminine”? side), and treats us to his philosophic musings about women's most intimate needs. Ah, how sweet and thoughtful.

Poor Kevin is like the guy in the bar -- earnestly trying to pick up some woman, doing his best to impersonate a grown-up man, when his best buddy thirteenburn comes over and starts telling fart jokes, then barfs all over the table...

Sorry, Jack. Probably not quite within the posting guidelines? But, I plead extraordinary provocation...

The quote from the article that made me giggle (while totally outing Camel's usual, predictable, latest version of the tobacco company's "big lie") was RJ Reynold's spokesperson, explaining why they chose to run the ad in Portland, vs other markets: “In Portland, there’s strong brand recognition among adult smokers for the Camel brand,” he said.

Oh yes indeedy. Portland, where, unlike those rubes in, oh, say Seattle or New York City, adults (need I say, only?) recognize "the Camel brand"...

We're just cooler, right?

Actually, what interests me the most is that there are people commenting on this post -- after all the trials, after all the exposures, after all the busting of those bastards so thoroughly for consistently targeting children -- still some people who really think that those nice people wouldn't do something like that...


Amen, Anne.

"We reserve that right for the poor, the young, the black, and the stupid."

Does anyone have any documentation or sources for this quote? Ive researched the quote and found it attributed to various tobacco co.'s, or the wording is varied and its attributed to alcohol companies. Its a great quote but very hard to source wich may make it just a little to good.

Welcome to the 'Nanny State' - what this lady is doing is basically saying, "You parents are too stupid to see what your kids are doing, we have to save them (and you) from this nasty plague."

Get a life 'Nanny' and give me some credit that I raised my kid right and that I pay attention. Last but not least, get off my back and allow me my freedom.

after all the trials, after all the exposures, after all the busting of those bastards so thoroughly for consistently targeting children -- still some people who really think that those nice people wouldn't do something like that...

I didnt say they wouldnt do it, I just think this particular ad doesnt IMO.
But everyone also has to remember...nobody is forced to start smoking...

You want to get upset about something, go after doctors and drug companies (and some teachers) for pushing Ritalin. Kids are forced to take that, just to fit into a "mold" that some quack psychologist made up.

Woah...wait a minute...The post from above is a totally different Kevin than the regular Kevin you normally see posting on this board. I hope nobody confuses me with this guy because it's not me, and I agree this product is obviously being marketed to kids, etc.

Come to think about it I'll just start calling myself "UsualKevin" to avoid any future confusion between myself and others. There...now I feel better about things.

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