
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on November 25, 2006 2:02 AM. The previous post in this blog was Decommissioned. The next post in this blog is Why blogs were invented, cont'd, etc.. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Saturday, November 25, 2006

Holiday weekend in hell

Bad news -- the fabulous Betsy's site, My Whim is Law, has been hacked and is currently lying in pieces on the ground. Having been through something like this myself recently, I feel her pain, acutely. She's a brilliant blogger, and it won't be long before she's back, I'm sure. But these rehabs don't happen by themselves. The blogger must spend countless frustrating hours fussing with "divs" and "css" and "MySQL" and all sorts of nasty, nasty stuff. Don't beat yourself up too badly, Betsy! We will wait for you.

Comments (2)

Actually. it looks as if it's a case where my WordPress theme is no longer compatible once I upgraded WP to the newest version.

Or a plugin needs to be updated, or re-enabled.

Or something like that.

But the good news here is that the upgrade got rid of the files that the hacker had corrupted - he/she had put in a referrer somewhere sending users visiting my site within five seconds to some abandoned site with a .us extension. Whoever did this managed to confound my webhost as well - neither one of us could determine just what had been modified in order to pull off the referrer.

And the other good news? If I'd have needed to scrap the whole install completely, blast everything away and then build from scratch, I had a good backup that was only 2 days old, plus the one I did last night before I upgraded.

Moral(s) of the story: backup, backup, backup regularly. Plus, change your passwords regularly, and make them ugly.

Thanks for the warm thoughts, Jack!

Ugh. I'm now in file permissions hell; am now forced to blast the current site away & then reinstall, starting from a clean slate.

My content's in a database and backed up, so there is that...

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