
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on November 5, 2006 2:40 AM. The previous post in this blog was If there's a nuclear holocaust, they'll be world champs. The next post in this blog is They'll stone you when you're sent down in your grave. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Sunday, November 5, 2006

Attitude is everything

Comments (12)

What he needs is a nice new t-shirt.

Or it could be even more worse, I could be forced to read Jacks Blog every day.....

Trivia: Ramsey Clark was ejected from the courtroom and jeered as he left. Does anyone know anything about his role in the trial

Or it could be even more worse, I could be forced to read Jacks Blog every day.....

I know one IP address he won't be reading it from.

Hey Jack:

Ya ever think about teaching Photoshop classes for community education?

Ramsey Clark was one of the defense lawyers for Saddam Hussein.

Or it could be even more worse, I could be forced to read Jacks Blog every day.....

Forced? Did the Ghosts in the Machine co-opt his freedom and force him to look?

BTW, nice catch, B!X....

Don't mind "Brad," who came from an address registered to a host in Great Falls, MT. It was probably Emilie or her daughter...

a host in Great Falls, MT

Interestingly, that appears to be on the other side of Montana from Glendive.

I know the geography quite well. But there's so little over there in Glendive that it wouldn't be surprising if an internet provider serving that town had its offices in Great Falls.

Izzat a picture of Saddam Hussein, or Richard Prior doing a wino impression?

The internet service for Glendive is right out of Glendive. Yes...we do have some modern conveniences and we are not as isolated (or backwards) as you might think.

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