
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on October 4, 2006 1:03 AM. The previous post in this blog was More Goldschmidt on his shoe. The next post in this blog is Speaking of comebacks. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

E-mail, Feeds, 'n' Stuff

Wednesday, October 4, 2006

We (heart) Fireman Randy

I give him a hard time on the internet, but he's a great guy. And so my very best wishes go out to Portland Commissioner Randy Leonard, whose heart is reportedly scheduled to get the shock treatment today. Get rhythm, guy.

Comments (10)

We heart Commissioner Leonard here at the Fire Bureau, too, and look forward to his speedy return to generating new ideas for the Bureau (that works on biodiesel)!

Did I say Fire Bureau?

Well of course I meant WATER Bureau.

The only Commish we've got with any consistency in how he votes, a sense of priorty that doesn't involve adding boxes to org charts, and the balls to challenge the special interest goons.

Good luck, Randy. You're the only commissioner with a personality.

Before you go under, remind them...

red is positive, black is negative...

He could have called AAA.

Jack, Sara, Robert and Ricky-
Thank you for the nice thoughts.

There was only one little concern I had today, however.

The hospital is in PGE territory and I saw a PGE crew working on a pole outside the hospital just before I received my "shock".

I may be a little paranoid, but I did ask if the hospital had "surge" protectors.

Good you made it through your shocking experience and made it back to blogging.

Curtis got his liver this week too.

Randy, glad you made it through your shocking experience. After you were "shocked" by the PDC SW Oak misappraisal, and you're asking the right questions, I hope you follow up on the "shocking" PDC purchase of Block 49 in the NM URA for $5M after Homer Williams paid $1.2M for the block one year before. Plus, the PDC didn't even get an appraisal for the property before they agreed on a price w/Homer.

The 8th Amendment to NM Agreement includes this "crime", and you've been asking questions about it; but it needs further inquiry. Please pursue. It smells.

"There was only one little concern I had today, however.The hospital is in PGE territory"

yeah, you might need top be more concerned about the PDC

I always respect your opinion, great post.

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