Housekeeping note
As part of the ongoing blog restoration and improvement project, I've opened comments on all posts, whereas at one time commenting capability was closed after a week. Indeed, for the posts over the first year or so of the blog, comments haven't ever been available until now.
Of course, hardly anyone is going to read a comment left today on a years-old post, but if readers wish to leave them, now they can.
Similarly, I've gone back to allowing trackback pings on all posts, even adding that capability to posts that I wrote when I didn't know the difference between a trackback ping and a batch edit. Ditto on whether returning this feature will add much, but what the heck.
All of the previous cutoffs of feedback stemmed from massive amounts of comment spam and trackback spam that I was getting, and the inability of older anti-spam devices to cope with them. The latest version of Movable Type does a much better job, and so (knock wood) I'm going to loosen things up a bit.
O.k., enough of this -- what do you care that I just ran a couple of hot MySQL queries? And so we now return you to the usual blog content.