
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on October 20, 2006 8:32 AM. The previous post in this blog was Great news and terrible news. The next post in this blog is Will that be cash or trade?. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Friday, October 20, 2006

Get off my cloud

Portland's romance with "free" public citywide wi-fi just gets funnier every day. Now it looks as though MetroFi, the outfit that Li'l Opie Sten has picked out to set the network up, is partnering in at least one other city with AT&T, of all people. MetroFi has been having a little trouble lately getting its own investors, because, well, some people (like I) have a few doubts about the soundness of its business model. So now to get the job done, suddenly it's riding in a sidecar alongside the AT&T tank. Some speculate that eventually MetroFi will be swallowed up, leaving the city with AT&T. Sounds logical to me.

But hey now, is that rich or what? Sten has spent most of his career on a vendetta against big private utility companies, and here his wireless toy may turn out to worsen the big-money stranglehold over Portlanders' access to high-speed internet. Chalk another one up for the Big Idea Guy.

Comments (4)

And Fireman Randy's biodiesel will result in planting thousands of acres of Monsanto's genetically modified Roundup Ready Canola in Oregon.

Wow, Bark...Then we'd really be raped.

Seedy, Godfrey, Seedy.....

They'd be wiser to use the death star to start off with and work out some sort of franchise deal in exchange for fiber right-of-ways. Or something. AT&T is evil, and that brand of evil never seems to go completely out of business.

(Says the old AT&T employee.)

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