
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on September 5, 2006 12:42 PM. The previous post in this blog was Movable scam, continued. The next post in this blog is Bloggers, 'fess up. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Tuesday, September 5, 2006

Easy bein' green

When people come on to me with "sustainable" this and that, I usually check to see that my wallet is still there. Although I believe we have a responsibility to protect the earth, "sustainability" is turning into a mantra like "creative class," used to sell all sorts of snake oil.

This weekend, however, some people whom I know and trust are putting on a shindig on the subject that promises to be fun and cheap, as well as thought-provoking. It's all day Saturday and Sunday down in the Ladd's Addition section of southeast Portland. If you're going to be in town, check this out.

Comments (6)

It's going to be amazing ... I so wish I could be there. Did you see that RFK, JR is not only speaking Friday night, he's opening the festivities Saturday morning too??

Ahh! Thanks for the tip, Jack.

I dig RFK Jr. too.

Scanning through the list of participants is at least briefly entertaining. As a student of juxtaposition, I took extra time to imagine the geometry of a covalent bond among "Home Loan Experts", TRIMET and Kettle Chips.

Emulating your usual sensibilities, Jack, here's a pop quiz apropos the venue:

Who was William S. Ladd? How did he come to acquire the land of Ladd's Addition? What public position did he hold while developing his the Addition?

For extra points:

1. Name three publically funded private real estate developments from that era attributed to his circle of Portland aristocrats.


2. Estimate the gross retail value of all unrenewable energy resources consumed by all those who attend the event.

Hey, I'll be volunteering in the flexcar booth there on Sunday.

Estimate the gross retail value of all unrenewable energy resources consumed by all those who attend the event...

Since we'll be walking from our house in the neighborhood, I think that counts as "zero."

2. Estimate the gross retail value of all unrenewable energy resources consumed by all those who attend the event.

You are right. We should never consume anything, lets all sit at home in the dark fasting for the rest of eternity...

People have to learn how to switch to sustainable and renewable sources somehow... The switch is not instant and will inevitably consume some non-renewable resources along the way.

Lets compare this to the resources consumed to film and display, say, American Idol...

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