
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on September 18, 2006 9:16 PM. The previous post in this blog was This just in. The next post in this blog is Here come da judge. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

E-mail, Feeds, 'n' Stuff

Monday, September 18, 2006

And now, the filthy lucre

After more than four years and more than 3100 posts, I'm breaking down and selling a few ads on this blog if I can. Until now, the only revenue this site has generated has been my beautiful but all-too-brief stint as a shill for Marqui, the software development company that paid people like me to mention it in our blogs. Remember that? Man, I miss those checks.

But hey, this hobby incurs a few expenses -- especially this past month, when we had to start all over with a new web host (more on that shortly) -- and I'm hoping to get at least to the break-even point. If it looks as though I'm actually making enough to retire, I'll let everybody know.

I'm using an outift called Blogads to broker the ads for me. They take a cut, but I get to say whether an ad is accepted for publication or not.

I am not expecting Dagoba Chocolate or Hoyt Street Properties to be calling any time soon.

You purists out there, I know you'll never forgive me, but as we all know, money eventually talks.

Comments (9)

No harm my man. If that what it takes to get such fine commentary, go for it.


No Dagoba? No Hoyt Street Properties? Gosh, I hope the ads are somehow ironic. That would be great... While my mind is wandering in irony/advertisingland, how coffee-spilling-worthy would it be to see one of the tram cars (is that what they're called?) tagged with bojack.org floating through the sky... But - wait - have they put that in the budget -- re-painting the tram cars when someone vandalizes them?

Use the free ad offer code to put up something in your adstrip, so you look like people are willing to pay you.

Capitalism -- my favorite ISM!

Good idea, G-borg. Thanks.

Hey -- no problem... the dirty little secret is that nobody pays attention to the ads anyway!

Blogads are fine -- just don't start running anything from clickbooth. I made that mistake once for about 24 hours before I realized that all they were pumping into my site was shock-the-monkey and download these smilies type of ads. I made money off them, but the pop-ups and noisy crap they ran just pissed off too many folks.

And BTW: I think that BlueOregon still has an Oregon Progressives blogad network which would bring you a few ads if you get on with that (it's brought me a few).

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