
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on June 11, 2006 4:04 PM. The previous post in this blog was Three out of four. The next post in this blog is How the Bush tax cuts wreck your lungs. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Sunday, June 11, 2006

World of discovery

You know what look alike and can easily be mistaken for each other? A travel-size tube of Colgate Cavity Protection toothpaste and a tube of Preparation H anti-itch cream...

Comments (7)

some day i will recount the story of how i discovered that black latex housepaint and beer don't taste the same. So you know, i feel your pain. Or lack of itching. or whatever.

Actually, I felt very cool.

Cavity protection gone wild!

My mother and sister were stranded the night of the Columbus Day storm at Camp Namanu near Sandy. In the darkness mom brushed her teeth with Prell shampoo. That was a story that kept our family laughing for years.

Man, can you imagine the embarrassment having to go in for a refund if you pick up the wrong tube though?

My dad used to put Prep H on his balding head because he figured if it can shrink tissue "down there", it could help hold his hair in his head
"up here"! I also know a gorgeous ex-model who uses Prep H as cream for under her eyes because it shrinks the swelling tissues. EVERY DAY!

As far as Colgate on hemmorroids, well, it IS advertised as "cavity protection", is it not?

"Lola" rennt:

As far as Colgate on hemmorroids, well, it IS advertised as "cavity protection", is it not?

Well, yes. Just not "body and cavity" protection, though, neh?

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