
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on April 1, 2006 2:56 PM. The previous post in this blog was They're not even good fakes. The next post in this blog is Family dinner date. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Saturday, April 1, 2006

No joke -- we've been down

Very late last night, I decided to do some end-of-the-month housekeeping, including some backups, and inadvertently I managed to take this site off line for a goodly number of hours. I have since sleuthed the source of the problem, and it is now corrected... I hope.

Comments (12)

This was clearly karmic retribution for the “Blazers sold!” post.

Well, ok. I thought it was just some tax-law perfessr's idea of an April Fool joke....

Actually, my first instinct was that I had been hacked by the Russian Chamber of Commerce.

Jack Bog:Actually, my first instinct was that I had been hacked by the Russian Chamber of Commerce.



Considering the front Page of tomorrow's Sunday Oregonian, I second JK's guess.

I'm guessing that a few of the Docs up on the Hill could use a good tax lawyer this time of year. Especially one that was discreet, well compensated, and knew how much his clients needed the Tram to be completed on time.

Mmmmm. What sort of honoraria would it take to make Jack Bog support the Tram?


"Considering the front Page of tomorrow's Sunday Oregonian, I second JK's guess"

I haven't seen it, but I have seen more than enough to know the Oregonian will be on a
pump-em-up campaign during the next couple weeks trying to neutralize the increasing bad news for their schemer pals.

Whether the human gene pool 'algae' includes one for computer instinct yet, or not, ... why / how did you think of hackers?

Point being, it doesn't seem your first thought was that you did it. No mistake by you came to mind.

So ... process of elimination, what else is there besides proprietor error that crashes websites. Has exeamples of crashing websites. Makes a point of crushing anti-Nine.Eleven.Op free speech websites. Who we the people empowered to crash websites.

This was a busy week for website crashers. One took out MediaChannel dot ORG on Wednesday. Also crashed two others -- total: three -- in the dozen websites of my daily visit, and who knows the uncounted crashes in my bookmarks. My own browser -- Mozilla over Red Hat Linux -- had I-didn't-cause-it blackouts Wed.,Thur.and Sat. (today).

It was an active week of crashes, by my hunch. I don't know how many hunches make an instinct.

The internet offers a superlative setting for the ultimate epidemiology. For example, every household with schoolchild could poll-in any morning incident of colds or flu. In minutes, a street-grid map could display the concentration of any 'disease' outbreak.

We feed the information we the people generate back to ourselves. If that seems scary that we all could get to see our own sociological patterns, consider that who you might call (our) 'enemies' already see it about us, and know it about us. We are the only ones who don't ... know what we have or haven't ... suffered.

(Special on ellipses this week, too. At my house.)

That Blog Traffic Report button appearing on a lot of websites, could track site crashes, (occurrence, duration), by level of site traffic. E.g., Crashes on sites: -- over 10ooo daily visits, -- 5ooo - 10ooo daily visits; -- 1ooo - 5ooo daily visits; whatever. etc.

Outbreaks might show up collectively. If collected. Like I always say, fight fire with instincts, hunches, and facts.

... from here to the next stop on my daily visits ...

Alternet dot ORG

Feeling Everybody Up -- By Annalee Newitz, - AlterNet. Posted March 30, 2006.

A new web tool is capable of tracking the moods of an entire global population. ...

I haven't seen it, but I have seen more than enough to know the Oregonian will be on a
pump-em-up campaign during the next couple weeks trying to neutralize the increasing bad news...

Interestingly enough, Steve, the article places a large share of the blame for cost overuns on OSHU, because they built a building where the Tram was originally planned to connect on the hill.

Of course the article does still refer to the Tram as the "linchpin" of the universe, which will cause the sun to go cold unless it is built. OK, maybe I'm exaggerating a little.

But reading over my shoulder --which is hard because she's way shorter than me-- my wife Anne said "I'm never riding in THAT." The technical specifications are incredible, no tram has ever been built like this before...I've taken trams in the Alps, and thinking about this one sorta scares me. And that's if we had the funds to build it. Which we don't. I really hate to think what's been "value-engineered" out.

I blame the snakes.

M*f*in' snakes.

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