
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on April 1, 2006 9:43 PM. The previous post in this blog was No joke -- we've been down. The next post in this blog is No problem. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Saturday, April 1, 2006

Family dinner date

The neighborhood grocery stores are gone, but we just paid another fine visit to our favorite neighborhood restaurant. Great food and drink are only part of it. It's where we go as a family to take stock of what's been happening in our lives. And right now, it's all good.

Comments (7)

mmmm...best cobb salad in PDX!

The best part of all (outside of the chicken pie): Bill & Anna. :-) I love this place!

We've become semi-regulars at the Friday happy hour at County Cork, 14th and Fremont.

Kid and neighborhood friendly as hell. Wish Sellwood or the Morelands had such a place.

Kid and neighborhood friendly as hell. Wish Sellwood or the Morelands had such a place.

Not kid friendly, but VINO in Sellwood has wonderful wine tastings every Friday night. You can bring your own food, buy cheese and meat plates from Curds and Whey a couple of blocks away, or sometimes Bruce has PROVISTA come in and do cheese plates to go with the wine.

Bruce has unerring great taste in wines, and for ten bucks --or a little extra for a bonus pour or two-- you get to taste some great wines for pretty cheap.

Perry's is ok, but I think it jumped the shark when it moved down the street several years ago. Hamburger Patty's was the best..*Sigh*

I used to love Perry's chocolate milkshakes!

Do they still make em?

Gosh, they were so good, almost as good as the cheeseburgers.

Historical note: The Perry's corner on 24th and Fremont was a gas station when I was growing up in the neighborhood in the 60's.

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