
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on March 15, 2006 6:17 PM. The previous post in this blog was Sellwood Bridge is falling down, my fair ladies. The next post in this blog is The Portland school closure list. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Why did the chicken cross the country?

Guess who's in the stands at the Trail Blazer game in New Jersey tonight. I'll give you a hint: He has a really big boat and really bad business judgment.

Comments (11)

The Blazers scored 5 points in the entire fourth quarter (not a typo).

Yeah, well...

I imagine it's pretty disspiriting to know that nobody wants you.

Everybody wants the Blazers to stay here, except maybe Paul Allen. Guys like Stoudamire and Drexler would fall all over themselves to own the team. And the arena owners would cut the necessary new deal with a new group -- but they're not going to be taken advantage of by Allen. Bully for them.

It's disspriting, all right, to work for a goofball.

Just checked the box scores - the Blazers are now the third-worst team in the NBA... and dropping.

Maybe, just maybe, the Blazers' financial troubles are somehow - oh I dunno - related to their basketball troubles.

It's sad, really. It's been a long time since I considered myself a Blazer fan but I still feel a sense of loss.

Too bad the one person who should feel sad, embarrassed, ashamed, etc. is the one who doesn't. How a billionaire asks the cash-strapped public for a bailout is beyond me.

Maybe, just maybe, the Blazers' financial troubles are somehow - oh I dunno - related to their basketball troubles.

Maybe not. When they play popular teams like the Lakers and the Suns, they draw a large and enthusiastic crowd. People in this town will support a losing Blazers team -- they did it for most of the '80s. This particular roster can be marketed, and they will get better as they grow up.

You put Drexler at the head of it and it will be a smashing success within three years, if he can get the lease changed. That's a big "if," but it's possible. In contrast, I doubt the landlords are going to negotiate with Allen and Patterson at all. I don't blame them.

You put Drexler at the head of it and it will be a smashing success within three years.

Drexler was a trainwreck at U of H in part because he didn't really want to work. He hasn't shown anything to make me believe otherwise in his years since leaving. You want to put a former Blazer in charge? Two words. Wayne Cooper.

Jack, I disagree with your Drexler statement. The day Drexler decided to wear a Houstoun Rockets jersey when he was selected as one of the 50 greatest NBA players of all time is the day he severed 'loyalty' ties with Portland. Terry Porter is the 'true' Blazer that should be brought back into run the team. Also, If the Kings make the mistake of firing Rick Adleman..bring him back asap.

Only in portland would ex-blazers be considered saviors, as if this town couldn't get it's collective mind around an outsider being in charge. Hell, I'd love to have an enthusiastic owner like Mark Cuban or the Maloofs, just to put a passionate, human face on management. Eccentric is fine, as long as they're smart with money but have enough to lure good talent.

You want to put a former Blazer in charge? Two words. Wally Walker.

Kind of late to this post, but time is limited when you have a life and crazy enough to go back to law school. Any way, professor, I am bored of reading Partnership Tax so I decided to check out your blog that you jokingly wanted to sell.

I have met a few ex-Blazers in my days. Clyde Drexler is forever a gentleman, very polite and soft spoken. Wayne Cooper used to give me his tickets to the games and told me not to get too complacent in my early years in business. Bill Walton sits in front of me when he is in town to do a TV game. (Yes, I still have my third row seats season tickets near the center court behind the TV announcers). Bill is very friendly and he will sign autograph for anyone who asks. But since this is hypothetical, my vote goes to Maurice Lucas. He is always a salesman, trying to sell you something. Since few people are buying, the Blazers need to learn how to sell.

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