
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on March 23, 2006 4:43 PM. The previous post in this blog was Back in the CoP. The next post in this blog is All I needed to see. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Thursday, March 23, 2006

Moving targets

Tomorrow's the deadline to apply for school transfers and magnet school admissions in the Portland public school system. So what if parents make a decision about where (and whether) to apply for now, only to have their considerations radically altered by a school closure finalized over the next few weeks? This press release from the school district may shed some light on that:

Portland Public Schools' deadline for parents to apply for transfers for their elementary and middle school students is at 5 p.m. on Friday, March 24. (The high school application deadline was March 3.)

Superintendent Phillips plans to present her proposal for reconfiguring some Portland schools and closing some school buildings on Tuesday, April 4. If the Portland School Board approves changes to schools, whether at high schools or at elementary and middle schools, Portland Public Schools will reopen the School Choice Application window for two weeks in May.

Parents may wish to file a School Choice application before Friday's elementary and middle school deadline, confident that if their child's neighborhood or transfer options change, they may file another application later. Under the School Choice lottery system, the later application automatically overrides the earlier application.

Comments (5)

So what now Jack? You have a couple of young kids at home. Does this mean you approve of Portland's disastrous school choice system?

Let me suggest that the quality of Portland's schools is of far more importance than streetcars or trams. And a much more worthy subject to blog about.

We've looked at the Portland public schools, but I'm sorry to say, we have opted to go a different route, at least for starters. It's still a pretty good system -- better than some private schools, in our view -- but not the best, and clearly headed in the wrong direction. While the Rob Kremers and the Lolenzo Poes battle it out, we'll likely be watching that particular drama from the sidelines.

I did love the story in today's (March 24) Oregonian that the PPS has "found" an additional $ 9 plus million it wasn't aware it had, and that this find should enable PPS to escape having to close some schoool buildings before SEtember, '06.

Spend every cent seem to be he mantra of PPS and the governing class in PDX.

What do you mean "we've opted to go a different route"? Speak plainly, Jack!

The $9 million "found" was the result of the State recalculating the funding for 2004-05 [seriously, they refigure the prior year amount] and a refund on health insurance premium.

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