
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on March 23, 2006 3:19 PM. The previous post in this blog was From our pen pals. The next post in this blog is Moving targets. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Thursday, March 23, 2006

Back in the CoP

Guess who's blogging about Portland politics again (at least a little). An excellent development.

Comments (11)

Yeehaw the b!X is back! But my poor middle-aged eyes can barely read that tiny white type on black background. Have mercy, b!X


(what's up with that name though?)

Commenting here is like Spring Break in Mexico: old enough to pay, old enough to drink.

Commenting at b!Xsie's new home requires registration, and he still reserves the right to edit and/or not publish the post.

More like drinking in Utah.

He won't need a bouncer, though.

I've had more fun in Mexico than Utah.

Besides, if you're a bouncer (or a blog host), tossing out the bums is half the fun!

The name "b!X" suggests a certain toughness about the persona, though I read the piece and at the end it doesn't reach a conclusion. I do believe Dave Lister can make the case for your vote, including "b!X's." I gathered from the piece, b!X needs more information, persuasion, or demonstration for Dave's fitness for office.

Watch tomorrow's debate, Friday, March 24, 2006
at high noon in the Governor Hotel. The Portland City Club may be genteel, but expect sparks to fly, dust to raise, and china to break.

The status quo isn't working. Sten is the staus quo, and Burdick jumps on Sten for the tram, but her PR firm is behind the tram. Dave Lister isn't the status quo and isn't behind the tram either. Dave is new start we badly need on the council, a common sense hand who doen't fall into either "owned" camp who will listen to the unheard majority.

Besides, if you're a bouncer (or a blog host), tossing out the bums is half the fun!

You haven't run a heavily-trafficked, heavily-commented blog, have you?

Half the reason I had a wide open door on Communique was precisely to not have to deal with the headache of tossing people. The headache of permitting the idiots to do what they wanted was preferable.

Communique was a full-time job. nads! isn't. And anything that simplifies my life in that regard, and keeps me from having to babysit, well, that's the policy I'll choose.

Did you see who else is back, Randy Gragg with an editorial on his version of TRAM history.

And Ryan Franks Mea Culpa in the Weblog.

The O is pulling out all the stops.

Either way, b!X: glad to have to back. To use a wall street term, is there any way to monetize you're new site and make it pay you for the time you spend on it?

Alice: I think he tried that (desperately) with, uhm, his old site. Remember?

Dave Lister performed beyound expectations at the Friday debate, and more than held his own standing between the professional politicians.

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