
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on January 21, 2006 7:16 PM. The previous post in this blog was Book of the Week. The next post in this blog is "And my heart will go on and on". Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Saturday, January 21, 2006

Fixing the plumbing

It's been a weekend of infrastructure projects. Yesterday with the help of the friendly folks at Hankins Hardware, I successfully replaced a faucet washer. Go ahead -- laugh. You don't know how satisfying that is to a Catholic boys' school graduate. Shop? Hah! We were lucky we had gym! And you could even buy your way out of that, to gain time to cram for English Lit quizzes -- if you gave money to the Catholic missions through our gym teacher, Milton Berkowitz, who obviously wasn't among the baptized.

Emboldened by my success with the crescent wrench, I am now in the process of moving this blog to a new server. Having endured all I can with my current web host, I am switching to another.

In theory, readers will not notice a thing.

In theory.

As ever, major computer-related activities strike fear into one's heart. If anything goes awry on this site over the next week or so, don't assume that I've been hacked by angry municipal planners. It's just me, in over my head with technology.

Comments (11)

I'm pullin' fer ya Jack, things'll be OK. Now if ya need a new starter put on an '83 Ford F250...did that a couple of weeks ago.
I'm sure if there is a little hickup in your blog, it'll be up and runnin' in no time. I really enjoy visiting your blog. Have a great weekend. :-)

You have till Monday for certain as angry municipal planners don't work on weekends.

Just a little concerned, Jack. This faucet washer you replaced....that wasn't on your computer, was it?

Nope. No faucet washer fixes here and definitely no host moves (oy!). Lightbulb change, maybe.

Good luck!

What we really want to know, Jack, is how many trips to Hankins before you had the right part? That was always my experience with plumbing repairs....more than one or several trips before we had it right. The other hard and fast rule: never start plumbing repairs on Sunday afternoon.....you won't win. Stores close early....you'll keep the water off until monday, then call the pumber who's at $65 just to ring the doorbell.

I was so lucky. I got the right washer the first time, and everything went back together easily. I was sure I would be going back three times and then calling the plumber anyway, but that didn't happen.

Congrats to Jack o'the-Healed-Faucet.

As a resident of the Buckman neighborhood (and a St. Philip Neri parishioner), I'm well acquainted with Hankins' Hardware on SE Hawthorne. The staff is great, friendly and eager to be of assistance. I live close enough to walk to the store. Some days, it's meant multiple (mind-clearing) meanderings over to the store.

While small stores might seem a tidge more expensive, I simply buy what I need and head back home. By shopping at Hankins', I don't find myself perusing the aisles of Fred Meyer and buying "extra" things.

My triumph in the past two weeks was actually replacing my pickup's headlights (which required that I remove the grill). Mission accomplished! See...Catholic School education DOES prove beneficial (okay, I was a TEACHER in a parochial school).

"In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice. In practice, there is."--Yogi Berra

Despite that quote from my favorite philosopher, I hope your switch goes well.

Bear, I went to Hankins outpost on MLK. Same great folks, more room.

Musician Biff Rose says that a Catholic education prepared him for any crisis that might arise here in the 12th century.

Plumbing I do before breakfast; take the bucket to the well. Helpful and available - will plumb for food.

Computer installation R us, too. Helpful and available - will fiddle around for food.

Either one is excuse enough to grab a sixer of micro-b's and come share a debate of which food group beer belongs in.

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