
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on December 8, 2005 8:02 AM. The previous post in this blog was Boom chuck rocker ain't no flash in the pan. The next post in this blog is Clip 'n' save. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Thursday, December 8, 2005

Oldie but goodie

Comments (4)

I was always grateful that our local news guy broke into the MNF game before Howard Cosell could announce it on tape delay. I wouldn't want to hear news like that from Howard Cosell.
To me it's one of the saddest things that ever happened. I was in the supermarket yesterday and I heard his Happy Christmas Song with the War Is Over. It had a children's choir on it so there must be a bunch of young adults out there, who remember cutting a record with John Lennon. Too much.

"Imagine all the people"... It was 25 years ago today that he was gunned down on his 40th birthday. He'd be 65 today. Is it such a complicated message that humans should not kill humans, for any reason? DG

We can't get too gushy about this. Picture Lennon's reaction if, during his time, people had been carrying on about some other star of the entertainment world who had died prematurely 25 years before. I'm sure he would have made a wicked comment that would have gotten everyone laughing at the foolishness of the mourners.

That said, he is still missed, especially on this day.

You want hear something awesome? Go to da Vinci school's "Holiday" concert on Dec 15 to hear Trogdor, superstar core teacher Dave Meyers' band of 11-13 year olds play Imagine. I feel a torch passing.

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