One more time
Rob Kremer of the Kremer and Abrams Show on KXL radio has decided to do a live show tomorrow (Sunday) morning, rather than have the station play a rerun. Since his co-host Marc Abrams is still on vacation, I'll be filling in again. Nice of Rob to ask. Nine to 11 a.m., 750 AM here in greater Portlandia. Same place that you hear everybody's favorite, Lars Larson, and his soothing words of wisdom on weekdays. Listen in, call in. If you're in church, you can whisper into your cell phone.
Comments (10)
Have our ears on. Break a leg.
Posted by Al | September 3, 2005 8:28 AM
We will have a phone in guest at 9:30 - George Taylor, the Oregon State Climatologist, who according to the Willamette Week is the most dangerous man in Oregon because he commits the heresy of questioning the global warming orthodoxy and therefore is a card carrying member of the flat earth society.
Thought he'd be a good guest since "we all know" that global warming caused Katrina.
Should be fun.
Posted by Rob Kremer | September 3, 2005 9:01 AM
Is that Marc Abrams, the attorney? If so, he was my old boss in law school -- and a great one!
Posted by Jennifer | September 3, 2005 10:40 AM
Hi, Jack,
Here is a suggested call-in topic: which public officials, if any, should resign or be fired for their handling of the hurrican damage.
I would nominate the head of homeland security, the head of FEMA, and the gov. of LA.
Posted by Joel | September 3, 2005 11:24 AM
Perhaps the biggest mistake was "folding" FEMA into the Dept. of Homeland Security; thereby burying it in a couple more layers of bureacracy.
However, what sort of idiot is the mayor of NO? If you have a city in which roughly 1/3 of the population has no access to anything other than public transportation, you don't just stand up and holler "Everybody out!". The responsible approach would have been to get bus or truck or whatever other wheels on the ground to specific staging points, and THEN tell folks to get outta Dodge. And he didn't do that.
Horrifyingly, this is exactly the lifestyle that Portland, Metro, and Multnomah County want to foist onto us here. High density, streetcars and choo-choos, and no cars. There's a lesson here, folks.
Posted by Jay | September 3, 2005 11:46 AM
If you should discuss the failures that occurred this week, consider a fact: The heads of both Homeland Security and FEMA are lawyers. Smart people, but apparently not good decision makers in a crisis. Send them both back to the legal departments.
Posted by Joel | September 3, 2005 4:31 PM
Just to check your (and Kremer's) peripheral vision, this tossed in from the sidelines:
The O this week got all over some poll showing a majority of 'us' answer yes to the Q: "Should profitable salvage logging and monosilva reseeding be done on forests burned by wildfires?"
It's a trick question that omits decisive information and thereby takes advantage of 'our' ignorance. (Parallel logic: "Should you trip a person who is running on the sidewalk?")
The question the poll-to-editorial claimed to have asked, (but didn't): "Should profitable salvage logging and monosilva reseeding be don on forests burned by arsonist fires?"
(Parallel: "Should you trip a person who is running on the sidewalk with a bag of money from the bank being chased by police shouting 'stop that person!'?")
See, a lot of latter-day Oregonians are ignorant -- bet on it -- of a lot of local 'culture.' And a quick primer:
-- 7 out of 8 forest fires are human-made. (That's as close as they get to saying 'arson,' preferring to imply 'the campfire got away.' But next time you're camping, TRY to set the woods ablaze -- it ain't easy. Tossing nonchalantly a burning brand into the brush doesn't do it, even in 'dry' woods. Or, other way around, go in the woods, gather up some kindling, TRY to start a campfire. Tossing a burning cigarette on it doesn't start it. 87% of "wildfires" are human-made -- I thought 'wild' meant no humans -- and 87% of 'human-made' means on purpose.)
-- Logging business more prefers doing business in "salvaged" 'burned' logs from arson fires, and less prefers obeying 'our' laws which say No Sale. (Look, "a million dollars is no problem," Tricky Dick, if you are calling for an arsonist.)
-- In the beginning, (c. 1900), Oregon's forests were split fifty-fifty, public-private (ownership). Loggers got half -- go profit that. (They logged their half and they have logged 90% of the public's half. Which leaves 5% of the original 50,000 square MILE forest patch -- say, 200 mi.wide by 300 mi.Cali.-Wash. -- remaining: 2500 sq.miles, as in: 8 mi.wide X 300 mi. So there's 47,500 sq.mi.logged. Stop.)
-- 1 sq.mile is called a Section of land, and contains 640 A. (acres). (36 Sections -- 6 mi. X 6 mi. -- is called a 'Township.' When the media sensationalizes fires by using the BIGGEST number, like a 'SIX THOUSAND acre FFIIRREE' they're talking ten sq.miles. The Rajneeshees bought the Big Muddy Ranch, 64,000 A. Quick, Kremer, how many square miles is that?)
So if the topic comes up on Liars radio station, Jack, ask how many of 'us' agree to let the logging business "salvage" any timber they set afire first.
What's that you say? You can't tell the difference, ArsonDetectiveInvestigation-wise, between lightning-set and arson -- the cliched 'hot exhaust muffler on a passing car' blahblahblah? (TRY starting a campfire THAT way.)
Well, then, since 7 out of 8 fires are candidates for arson suspicion, JUST DON'T SALVAGE ANY BURN. Save about $5 million tax dollars by zeroing out the State Forest Fire Arson Investigation Detectives Dept. And, when blazes do flare, a No Black Logging rule would let you see the whole damn timber industry out there on the fire lines, like they 'use-ta' (used to), a**holes and elbows, like they meant it.
Besides, an absolute 'no logging burned timber' prohibition pretty much takes the profit incentive out of hiring arsonists. 'A million dollars is no use.' (If you think these guys and this talk is rare, you haven't worked in a mill one summer.)
Liars radio station, Kremer, Liars and The Oregonian get Big Timber's 'big bucks' if they prevent this frame of mind from forming around the empirical data.
Same as George Taylor gets Big Oil's 'big bucks' if he prevents a 'global' frame of reference for the empirical temperature data.
Jack, you're too good a person for Liars radio station, KXLiars. Let them hire an umemployed person for a day on the mic. Lift up someone in the world, rather than dragging the esteemed down to their level. Call and bail out, screw Kremer. Or go ahead with it, Kremer screw you.
Ask Kremer, (Taylor, The O's cretinists, I mean: creationists, et al.), ask if they would accept a 'poll' result as a way to settle the global warming 'debate.' (Or the creationism debate, or the salvage loggingism debate, ....)
"Should you trip a person running into the radio station to lend his integrity?"
Posted by Tenskwatawa | September 3, 2005 7:21 PM
""""""Liars radio station, Kremer, Liars and The Oregonian get Big Timber's 'big bucks' if they prevent this frame of mind from forming around the empirical data.
Same as George Taylor gets Big Oil's 'big bucks' if he prevents a 'global' frame of reference for the empirical temperature data.""""""""
Not bad. Nice fabrication. Absurd but good imagination.
Kremer, what you doing with those timber bucks?
Spreading lies about our schools?
Tens, you must know. Is he?
Posted by Karen | September 3, 2005 9:29 PM
Tens: a typically scattered post. Is it your claim that logging companies are setting fire to forests because it is easier and more profitable to salvage log than to clear cut?
So a policy of "no logging burned forests" is the only way to prevent arson?
What flavor is your kool aid?
Oh yeah and George Taylor gets big oil bucks. He once got $500 for an article he wrote. Yessiree, another academic paid off by the evil oil companies.
Meanwhile the academics who theorize about anthropogenic global warming, their entire livelihoods funded by grant awards that would disappear tomorrow if their models show no human effect...... oh THEY have no conflict of interest at all. Pure as the driven snow, they are.
Posted by Rob Kremer | September 3, 2005 10:02 PM
Jack: Great job on the radio today.
Posted by Joel | September 4, 2005 12:45 PM