
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on April 10, 2005 1:33 AM. The previous post in this blog was Throw away the key. The next post in this blog is In case you weren't sick of this story yet. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Sunday, April 10, 2005

Let's start over

Is Saturday over? Good.

It was one of those days. I woke up to learn that the furnace is broke. The regular furnace guy is busy. The "emergency" guy costs close to 200 bucks. Plus, it turns out that nobody will have the part we need 'til Monday at least. Baby got ink on Mom's favorite shirt. There's a cold starting to go around the house again. Lots of huge, moronic graffiti cropped up overnight in the 'hood. The piles of work never seem to get any smaller. Saturday Night Live is as lame as I can ever remember.

Geting older makes me scared. And sad. I don't like where so many things are headed. I miss the old times. I miss my dad. I have wasted a lot of opportunities, and made a lot of mistakes.

There's more, but let's stop there.

Of course, it could be much, much worse. I have no right to complain. But still, I'm just saying, good riddance to that day.

Comments (8)

Geting older makes me scared. And sad. I don't like where so many things are headed. I miss the old times. I miss my dad. I have wasted a lot of opportunities, and made a lot of mistakes."Said Jack "B".

Since everybody always knocks my spelling,I will pass on yours, but your words haunt me this morning. On the getting older part, saw a movie a few weeks ago called "FRIDAY NIGHT LIGHTS",the story of a Texas high school football team.

The images on the screen hurled me back to my playing days...and as I sat there, I began to tear up softly, reacting at the hits on the screen of football combat, to grimace at the player in locker room covered with blood from a broken nose(mine still hurts), getting stronger mentally as the coach yelled "that we could win"...and too realize I couldn't play the game anymore that I so dearly love. Too learn never to quit...NEVER!

I miss my Mom...she died last year.

The mistakes I have made,too many, but too learn from each of them....I have had those days as well Jack.

I miss your dad too. Often.

I had a really crappy Saturday as well. Glad it's over. Thank God I still have my parents, they're in their '70's now, but still going strong. It's funny how they seemed so impossible when I growing up and now I can really appreciate them for who they are.

now I can really appreciate them for who they are.

Tell them, every chance you get.

Mr Bog

I think I am the same age and if it helps two bits of advice:

Focus on the stuff you have like wife and kids and your health (I am assuming all are OK.)

Try not to focus on stuff the idiots do. They seem to breed faster than intelligent people.

"Saturday Night Live is as lame as I can ever remember."

I couldn't agree more. I can't believe I wasted another perfectly good 90 minutes that could have been spent sleeping.

On Saturday night, instead of staying up to watch lame-o SNL, the family sat down to watch the "Happy Gilmore" VHS, for the fourth time or so. And I still laughed my head off at the Bob Barker fight scene and Ben Stiller saying "you're mine now, Grandma."

Your kids are still a little young for this. But when they're old enough, make sure you have your Adam Sandler movie collection up to date.

As another who was born in 1954 I have found the solution to aging to be heavy drinking. Particularly after attending city council sessions.

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