
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on January 8, 2005 2:17 AM. The previous post in this blog was Keeping busy. The next post in this blog is We love 'em. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Saturday, January 8, 2005

What they pay me for

It's that time of year again.

Comments (5)

I guess I'd have more sympathy for law professors if you guys actually put in an honest week's work during the semester. G-R-A-V-Y T-R-A-I-N. :-)
But I guess I expect a whacked-out view from a profession that only requires three years to a "doctor" degree.

You should have started them earlier and ruined your Christmas vacation...

"I guess I'd have more sympathy for law professors if you guys actually put in an honest week's work during the semester. G-R-A-V-Y T-R-A-I-N. :-)
But I guess I expect a whacked-out view from a profession that only requires three years to a "doctor" degree."

Is this supposed to be a joke? Cuz I usually get those.

i wonder if my grades will come in before the deadline this year.

Man, apparently law professors don't get much respect. I always had tremendous appreciation for my profs, at least, for the good ones (and Jack is certainly one of the good ones). It's not exactly fun to take an exam, but my guess is that it's even less fun to grade one.

(BTW, this isn't kissing up...I'm a former student, just in case anyone thought I was hoping for some extra credit.)

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