
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on January 8, 2005 12:51 AM. The previous post in this blog was Urlameme and me. The next post in this blog is What they pay me for. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Saturday, January 8, 2005

Keeping busy

Now that Portland's new mayor, Tom Potter, has taken over all the city bureaus for the next six months, we've been wondering what the other members of the City Council are going to do with all their newfound spare time. Well, thanks to Google, it didn't take long to track down Commissioner Randy Leonard's plans:


Comments (8)

Damn Google.......

180 lbs has been a while ago....

BTW, be sure you're wearing the cup this year...

Actually, I hung it up for good on New Years Eve.

Jack you stupid, stupid ****! This is what it's come down to? Posting stupid ****** **** like this?

You dumb ****. Fix your language filter too!

[Note: Foul language deleted. --JB]

Wow Nameless.

You hit the Trifecta.

Stupid, Foul and a Coward.

Do the gene pool a favor and don’t procreate.

They're out there.


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» City Council Dopplegangers In Action from The One True b!X's PORTLAND COMMUNIQUE
Now, the weird part of this is that we hadn't seen this Jack Bogdanski item when we started putting together this throw-away post. Apparently, to some extent, Jack and I decided the share a brain this ... [Read More]

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