God rest ye merry

The Ghost of Christmas Present is here, and he's in great shape. Big, round, fat, sassy, funny. After about the eighth glass of wine last night, we also spent a little time with the Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come.
But mostly these days I'm communing with Christmas Past. As my bride and I share the holidays with our children, I see how the impressions of the season are made. And I think back fondly on the folks who made those impressions on me -- my grandparents, parents, aunts, uncles and family friends. They made do with so much less than we have today, and in many ways they managed to give us more.
Only a few of them are still on the planet, but tonight we'll drink a toast to all of them, here and gone. Their spirits are still very much with us, and for that we are most grateful.
Comments (2)
Posted by Jim - PRS | December 26, 2004 4:47 PM
Kind of makes you want to run around in a lot on Cortland Alley with a pair of walkie-talkies...
Posted by brother gary | December 27, 2004 5:08 AM