Pass the popcorn, Johnny

Democratic VP candidate John Edwards will be in Portland Wednesday evening for what's being described as a "rally and debate watching party" at an as-yet undisclosed location.
Can you imagine telling your grandkids years from now that you watched the third debate with Edwards and a few thousand of his closest friends from the Portland area?
Too bad I'll be teaching Estate and Gift Tax at the time. Ironically, if Kerry and Edwards lose and Congress goes more strongly Republican, it will likely be the last time I ever teach such a course.
Comments (2)
You can find the time and location of the Edward's rallies in Eugene and Portland that's this Wed. by going to Edwards in Oregon!
Posted by sjp | October 11, 2004 11:20 PM
See if you can get in the party with less than $ 2500. Ask everyone at the party whether or not any of them turned down their Bush income tax refunds.
Posted by brother gary | October 12, 2004 8:20 AM