
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on September 5, 2004 10:54 PM. The previous post in this blog was A family date. The next post in this blog is In our prayers. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Sunday, September 5, 2004


One of the guilty pleasures of being 50 years old is the fun I have shopping at Costco. Big cases of cool stuff. Great prices. All you need is a homestead large enough to store the stuff.

One marvel of the Costco world is its wine selection. Awesome! And now, they've got their own "Kirkland" brand wines in the cases next to the big hitters.

We just took a $9.69 flyer on the Kirkland Australian shiraz, and I'll tell you, we'll be heading back for more of that. It's a $15 bottle at least. Go, Costco!

Comments (12)

Enjoy the Costco wine, Jack, but it kind of shatters any cred you might have had complaining
about the loss of the old Portland sensibility,
disappearance of small & family-owned businesses
and sense of self-supporting neighborhoods.
I know, youve heard all this blah, blah, blah
ad nauseum. Happy tippling, bud--glad you found a

Can't tell if this is sarcasm or not. Could be both...confused.

Its a guilty pleasure for 25 year olds too. Except we mostly sample stuff.

It's all about the free samples. They also make those yummy muffins, too.

I don't know. To me, anything in bulk kind of loses its concentrated goodness.

PS: Those muffins kinda suck.

Costco is perfectly compatible with my vision of Portland. You can't use Costco very well if you live in an apartment tower. But if you live in a nice, close-in east side neighborhood, you should be able to drive to a big box warehouse store out by the airport once a month and buy the things that would cost you twice as much at a California-owned Safeway, a Colorado-owned Wild Oats, or Ohio-owned Fred Meyer.

The greedy landlords have pushed all the small grocers out of my neighborhood, so I find it hard to blame Costco for that one. If I need a lemon, I have to get in a car and pay an out-of-stater, any way you look at it.

As a fellow "50 something" that loves Costco "outings", Jacks not being sarcastic.

Another benefit is getting to watch tax cheats in action. Every one of those customers with Washington plates on his or her car is violating the Washington sales and use tax law by hauling stuff back to the 'Couv and not paying tax on it.

The ones that are covered in patriotic bumper stickers and decals are the most amusing in this regard.

Can't it be both?

Jack, feel free to buy your lemons at New Seasons, which is still in-state-owned. Plus, you can buy just one lemon, if you don't need a case.

Aside from Costco, New Seasons is my favorite shopping stop. About 10-15% too expensive, but worth it.

Not too helpful when you're after a large quantity of something, however. Plus, it's too far to walk. Gotta take the bike or, realistically with a big order, drive.

I remember when Costco tried to move into industrial northwest. Oh, heavens, no! Vera quashed that idea. But a Home Depot next to the Burnside Bridge? No problem. As long as the developer slush fund known as Portland Development Commission (run by Goldschmidt lieutenants) gets its cut, everything's hunky dory.

One could also argue that by shopping at Costco, one can now afford to pay the Multnomah County property tax bill that keeps climbing and climbing and/or the water bill that keeps climbing and climbing as a result...

There is an interesting article on Slate about the politics of Costco shoppers.


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