
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on September 6, 2004 8:25 PM. The previous post in this blog was Yum. The next post in this blog is Randy's right. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Monday, September 6, 2004

In our prayers

Heart surgery has become somewhat routine, but it's still a frightening experience. Now one of the great heroes of our recent past has gone under the knife and come out whole. From east to west, a grateful nation sends its best wishes for his speedy recovery. Get well soon, sir -- we need you in these troubled times. Hail to the Chief!

Comments (12)

I'm not sure, but I think a large portion of our country may not consider fmr. Pres. Clinton as a hero and may not think he is needed in these times.

I sure as hell don't think he's a hero, nor do I think we need him. That said, however, I do hope he comes through his medical adventure with flying colors.

Did you guys click the link?

I did. And he certainly has my respect.

His wife didn't seem all that broke up about Bill possibly cashing in his chips... as opposed to when Vince "Dreamboat" Foster was droppped off at the park.

Nothing worse than a clever joke which no one gets.

Or, as my high school history teacher always said, "Shoot lower, Sheriff, they're ridin' Shetland ponies."

There were snide comments in the media that Bill's heart surgery might have been precipitated by too many Big Mac's. If so, we might all be in trouble!
I personally am rooting for anyone going under the knife, whether I agree with their politics or not. I am proud to say I voted for him both times, and for Gore last time!

I'm assuming at his age that Rodney got a pig valve instead of a mechanical one. Still no respect...

Great gag, Jack.

Gosh, now I know why my marriage went wrong! Whenever I was referring to Rodney, X thought I was speaking of Bill! And probably vice versa too! I guess given the opportunity to click, we just didn't bother ...

A perfect example of how people don't pay attention. How they fail to see the "whole" picture. How they take their first impressions and run with it, completely based on assumptions. Such fools among us....

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