
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on July 1, 2004 12:53 PM. The previous post in this blog was Lucky stars. The next post in this blog is This year's Naders. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Thursday, July 1, 2004

The Entertainer

Thank you, thank you very much, everybody. I just flew in from Fallujah, and boy, how my arms, they are tired! But seriously, it's great to be here today in this court. I enjoy watching the kangaroos jump!

How do you like my new look? All I needed was a good Ba'ath! And I've been on South Beach -- the South Beach of Umm Qasr! You like the suit? Is my Kobe Bryant outfit.

Courtney Love, I want you, honey!

This Kurd walks into a bar. He orders a falafel. The bartender says, "You want mustard gas with that?" He he! O.k., so what's the difference between a Shiite and a Kuwaiti? None! They are both pussies! Hey, I'll be here all week. Try the foot-and-mouth veal!

Comments (11)

Oh good g-d! LOL. *giggle, snort, sigh*
You are one really witty, funny bastard. I am going to miss you so much Jack....

That's hysterical. I'm really going to miss you when you stop bloggin'.

This was not funny. Stop making fun of a man who lost his two sons, his job, and his legacy. Good thing your going to stop blogging.

Somebody is humor impaired. It could be me, but I'm pretty sure it's Andy. Yeah, poor Saddam. He lost his sons, his job and his legacy. Maybe he shouldn't have butchered all those hundreds of thousands of innocent citizens, then, huh? And he's getting a trial, too, which is more than all those poor bastards fed into chippers got.

Ummmm, I'm pretty sure Andy was being sarcastic.

Vote of the Day

What should happen to Saddam ?

A) He should be taken outside and be delivered to the surviving families of those he tortured and killed
B) He should be signed by Jerry Buss to coach the Los Angeles Lakers
C) He should have a trial by Judge Jerry Springer and get the death penalty
D) He should be locked up in a room with Donald Rumsfeld, Courtney Love, Joan Rivers and Montel Williams. There will be a constant, loud, 24 hour a day stereo playing the new Wilson-Phillips CD.
E) He will be a new, recurring character in the 2005 episodes of the Sopranos, cousin "Falafa Soprano", operating a Pick-it machine at the BadaBing for cousin Tony.

Cousin Bern adds this caption to the Saddam photo:

"I just saved hundreds on my car insurance by switching to Geico!"

"Yes," he's saying, "I was occasionally ruthless, but I did finish number one in MY country's popular vote."

Regarding the Vote of the Day, must I only pick one? I rather had my heart set on D, C, and then A for dessert.

Had to add this to your hilarious blog...


Wait a second - I paid for this ceiling....

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