Lucky stars
I don't want to jinx it, but have you noticed that every now and then, when you're not even trying very hard, a bunch of issues get resolved in your favor?
Time to buy a lottery ticket.
I don't want to jinx it, but have you noticed that every now and then, when you're not even trying very hard, a bunch of issues get resolved in your favor?
Time to buy a lottery ticket.
Listed below are links to weblogs that reference Lucky stars:
» Unlucky star from My Whim Is Law
Jack Bog (he's going on sabbatical Tuesday, people - better get over there NOW while it's hot) has been living under a lucky star lately: Have you noticed that every now and then, when you're not even trying very hard,... [Read More]
Comments (1)
I've been on a pretty good streak this last month or so. Been buying tix in the Megabucks lottery. The worst I've done in any drawing is a free ticket. The best? Only 46 bucks. But at three dollars a week (Sat, Mon, Wednesday drawing), I'm way ahead. And I think the jackpot is 7.8 million now. Each week I don't win the jackpot, I'm more convinced it's building up for my later score.
Posted by Rob Salzman | July 1, 2004 11:50 AM