
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on June 3, 2004 4:11 AM. The previous post in this blog was The outer limits of PC. The next post in this blog is With sympathy. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

E-mail, Feeds, 'n' Stuff

Thursday, June 3, 2004

Can I use you as a reference?


Sometimes an e-mail message should cool off a little before you send it.

Comments (9)

I love the last sentence so much I may have to marry it.

Oh, my! I was laughing so hard at the line referring to pinata that I was crying! Whoo-hoo!

Thanks for a great break from office tedium!

If we all cooled off before we committed our impulses to the net, we'd have no blog and you'd have no comments. BTW, 4:11am? Dude.

I now regret writing that last comment. Doh!

. . .and that one.

Nice memo, but not quite as good as that guy working in Korea who bragged about his romantic adventures - with a company email address. But the intentional bridge burning is a nice touch. Trophy husband indeed.

A guy at a former employer of mine sent out an office wide email saying he was quitting that day because the head of his department stabbed him in the back, and basically stating how bad the upper management at the company sucked.

he then concluded his email by asking for references.

I don't think that will be in any business ettiquette books

I LOVED that email. It was burning up associates' email boxes last Friday.. Awesome. It's the email every departing associate wants to write but doesn't have the balls to. Reminded me a lot of the Clifford Chance memo from a couple years ago.

It's what we might have heard if Johnny Paycheck had become a lawyer.

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