
Conan O'Brien had a funny bit last night concerning the Governator. In an interview sketch (one of those with a video display of a still photo of the interviewee, except for a talking mouth, played by a comic), the Gov proudly told the Other Conan that the voters of the California had overwhelmingly said yes to "ze groping Nazi guy." He also threatened to recall O'Brien -- "Stop talking!" he shouted -- and to replace Tom Hanks as Forrest Gump. "Ze people vant a new Forrest Gump," he reasoned. "Give me ze Oscar!"
I hope Arnold continues to provide fuel for comedy writers. Because as a hard news story, he's already quite tiresome. It's like the third episode of a "Survivor" series. I've seen enough.
On with the next political freak show! I'm getting this premonition that something new is about to distract us. Why am I thinking it's all about Hillary?