This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on August 27, 2003 11:37 AM.
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Then those three idiot county commissioners shouldn't have waited until after constituents started to complain before they spoke up. They should have been involved in the process and they shouldn't have allowed an advertisement to go out with that range. They should have spoken up DURING the interview process. They should not have allowed an offer to be extended and signed in writing. If they go back on what is clearly a contract, it just makes them look really disingenuous.
Comments (1)
Then those three idiot county commissioners shouldn't have waited until after constituents started to complain before they spoke up. They should have been involved in the process and they shouldn't have allowed an advertisement to go out with that range. They should have spoken up DURING the interview process. They should not have allowed an offer to be extended and signed in writing. If they go back on what is clearly a contract, it just makes them look really disingenuous.
Posted by alan | August 27, 2003 1:34 PM