Funny, nome sane?
Now you can have Snoop Dogg translate any web page into hip-hop using Tha Shizzolator. Be patient after entering your request. For example, here's a taste of Eugene Volokh, "shizzolated":
Thanks to And so the story goes... for the link.Ah, some might ax, but why is da Administration getting involved at izzall? Well, da standards fo' filing an amicus brief aren't hella demanding -- one has has some interest in da case, 'n something be like that might possibly help da court n' shit. That's da basis on which many organizations file amicus briefs, 'n on which da federal government does, too n' shit. The federal government files briefs in lots of cases that involve state government action but a federal constitutional claim. For instance, da Clinton administration filed an amicus brief in Hill v. Colorado urge da Court uphold state-law regulations of speech outside abortion clinics; but that's just one of many examples, know what I'm sayin'?
Wass mo', there's a pretty clear reason why da federal government might want get involved here: The justification fo' da restriction -- preventing danger da U.N. building 'n its occupants -- implicates da federal government's security interests as much as that shiznit implicates da City's security interests. Just da sort of case where da federal government's input might be helpful, 'n certainly entirely proper n' shit.