
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on April 1, 2013 7:46 AM. The previous post in this blog was Batter up. The next post in this blog is Short-timer. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Monday, April 1, 2013

Teetering at the top

The top three players in our second-chance bracket game remained in place as the Elite Eight dwindled down to the Final Four.

Sparky's still on top, but he's still got plenty of players who can outscore him. David at number 2 stands to finish with 25 points if his remaining teams prevail in the last games, and four other players can get to 19. All five of them have Louisville to win it all. Sparky's done scoring. His top two picks, Michigan State and Florida, are gone.

We'll be off line when the tournament ends, but we'll try to play out some scenarios as the week progresses. For example, as best we can tell, David's going to have at least a share of our crown unless Michigan and Wichita State both advance to the finals, in which case Noam, currently tied with us for fifth, will be tied with Sparky for top honors. Yahoo has some pretty obscure tiebreaker rules, and so we're not sure at the moment how exactly a deadlock would be resolved. Players chose both halftime and final scores in the championship game, and they will doubtlessly have something to do with it.

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