
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on April 1, 2013 6:45 PM. The previous post in this blog was Kotek's challenge. The next post in this blog is Double Standard of the Day from Portland City Hall. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Monday, April 1, 2013

City of Portland, broke, keeps handing money to Tri-Met

Earlier today there was this stinker. This evening we move on to another one. "The agreement asks for about $800,000 more from the city of Portland, which pitched in about $200,000 to help save the program last year." What the hey, it's only money.

Comments (11)

On another transportation front: an Asian man (the only minority in the group) goes on a protest bike ride. Bike Portland crowd instantly assume he's an Asian undercover cop, which it turns out he isn't.


The Portland Logo should be re-designed into the shape of a large size band-aid.

The bus pass thing is good. It costs so much to take the bus now, do you think kids would go to school if they or their parents had to come up with the $ every day? No. Re: the street car, it is so creaky, it already sounds like it is 50 years old. If you look at the Lloyd District, it is so badly patched up after all the damage the really horrible cheap contractors did digging up the asphalt and laying the lines, etc. I waited an extra 25 minutes for my bus today on a "rapid service" line and then 2 buses showed up. What a joke. TriMet is broken.

This is just so like the relative or old buddy with the drinking problem ("I'm not an alcoholic!") who comes mooching around on a regular basis for a few more dollars to tide him over until he "gets it together."

Too bad there's not a Betty Ford clinic for transportation system abusers.

At the rate local government agencies keep blending their responsibilities and revenue streams, eventually there's only going to be one big government doing everything, including providing employment, benefits, and little guidebooks to proper thinking.

Oh wait, I forgot I'm in The People's Republic of Portland.


Grumpy - I'm sure many people hope your prediction comes true, but it is an impossibility since all taxes come from private businesses.

Nolo -

Gotta love Mr. G's description and the logo in his link -- think Chairman Mao's "Little Red Book" and the PRC of the 1960s.

I like the logo....but, the color doesn't fit.

Yeah...it should be in shades of green.

Given what EU member Cyprus has just gotten away with, I'm not sure there are any guarantees anymore.

The Emperor has no clothes!

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