
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on March 12, 2013 12:43 PM. The previous post in this blog was Digging in the dirt. The next post in this blog is How Portland will achieve "equity". Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Your message here

Scarlet, the Freeway Blogger, is giving away cash prizes to folks who come up with the three best slogans for said blogger to hang over West Coast freeways next to photos of the planet in the weeks ahead. The best we could come up with is "There's no place like home." Readers with better imaginations than ours can post their suggestions in the comments here, or better yet, e-mail them to freewayblogger -AT- yahoo.com. The contest ends this Friday.

Comments (20)

No Radical Help Needed,
It's Doing Just Fine

It Quit Warming a Decade Ago
Population Growth Is Naturally Decreasing

Think Before You Try To Change IT

More People Means More Progress
Warmer Climate Save Lives

I think "Help Wanted" says it all already.

Maybe "Help NEEDED"

How about just "Help".
Jim Karlock: where exactly is your planet? I want to live there.

Nobody gets out of here alive, do something with your life!


Excuse our Death-Ray, Alien conquest in progress.

If you lived here, you'd be home already!

Don't Panic!

Allan L. Jim Karlock: where exactly is your planet? I want to live there.
JK: DebunkingPortland.com and SustainableOregon.com



Planet Karlock sounds fun. What movie is it from?

Karlock has been opposed to the Metro/density and all that came with it.
I suspect that not only he but others who comment here rather liked living on this "planet" here in what was our City of Roses before our livability was and is continuing to be wrecked.

WORMS (put the photo of the earth to the left of worms)

Visit East Portland: An Urban Renewal-Free Zone

It's a round.

It's not really obedience, but you WILL comply.

Don't jump, I need you.

Your Home.

Why re-invent the wheel? I'm recycling a few gems from the past - that alone ought to score me some bonus points.

If you love it, Let it go.

What you see is what you get.

Love means never having to say you’re sorry.

The Earth, Love it or leave it!

Shit happens.

Nihil novi nisi commune consensu

Leave the Help Wanted, change the planet to the TriMet logo.
Put a $ between the two.

Madness Takes Its Toll --
Please Have Exact Change Ready

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