
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on March 14, 2013 8:46 AM. The previous post in this blog was No prizes for vocabulary. The next post in this blog is Making inroads against the "urban renewal" scam. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Thursday, March 14, 2013

Vestas now selling off whole factories

Add this one in with the ongoing SoloPower equipment selloff. Portland's supposed economic saviors are collapsing right and left. The Sam Rands sure knew how to pick 'em. But hey, Edlen made out, which is what really mattered.

Comments (4)

We should have never had a "Vestas" interest in these guys...

Yet another blow to the credibility and wisdom of Portland officials and the plan-and-plunder cabal.

There need to be billboards put around town to advertise and itemize this stuff. More people need to start getting mad.

Hey...wait! There's still 10,000 biotechnology jobs in SoWhat. Right?

There is even more pain in the wind. Supposedly, one of the reasons PGE is asking for a 9% rate increase is one of its state mandated wind projects, Bigalow Canyon, is bleeding more red ink than expected. There is also a supposed Oregon Senate Bill proposing to eliminate the public purpose fee on our PGE, PacifiCorp and Northwest Natural bills; but word is Representative Jules-Bailey over in District 42 is not going to let it out of his Oregon House Committee. The public purpose fee is a 3 to 5% tax on your utility usage which was originally intended to only last ten years, but which later got extended. It was suppose to be temporary as part of deregulating retail utility service, which never actually occurred. The fee keeps the Energy Trust of Oregon cronies and Bureaucrats in business. The hilarious part of how the public purpose fee came into existence is supposedly we energy consumers were suppose to become enlightened by the beauty of renewable energy and conservation and pursue them even if they were uneconomic. The public purpose fee was suppose to be seed money which would enlighten us all to the beauty of uneconomical renewable energy forms and inconvenient conservation measures.
We are so enlighten now we are required to pay for renewable energy instead of volunteering to buy it as individuals (which you can still do in even greater degree if you are so inclined).

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