
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on March 29, 2013 8:46 AM. The previous post in this blog was Gassing Stenchy. The next post in this blog is Is Port of Portland looking for handout for West Hayden Island?. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Friday, March 29, 2013

Twist those rules

We thought the Lake Oswego City Council races were nonpartisan. But the side that lost the last round of elections seems to think differently -- they say it was the Republicans beating the Democrats. Actually, it was people who like Lake Oswego the way it is beating people who want to turn it into the Pearl District and bankrupt the local government, like Portland. If that makes the winners Republicans, it makes us Jeb Bush.

If anything, recent events in Lake Oswego demonstrate quite clearly that greed, arrogance, and stupidity are bipartisan traits.

Comments (13)

Claiming to be part of the fair and brilliant left fighting those evil righties again. Watching them pull the left card must be really offensive to those holding true progressive values.

This claim is as dishonest as the rest of their anti-voter agenda that got their majority tossed.

The fact is the new council majority was brought about by a healthy bipartisan uprising.

There is nothing "right wing" about the new mayor or council.

If these losers think the way to recovering their power is by telling more tall tales they are even bigger fools than the election demonstrated.

Their streetcar/urban renewal/ big debt agenda was soundly
beaten on it's lack of merit.

If I don’t want a street car, high rise condos subsidized by the city or Metro telling us what we can do in our own backyards, I guess that make me a right wing zealot.

2013 Mar 29 Friday 10:40 U (10:40 AM PT)

I just hope the attendees and "organizers" of the evolving "Coalition" attend the 2013 Apr 03 Wednesday 18:00 U (6:00 PM PT) meeting in a sustainable manner by utilizing TriMet bus or LIFT service.

Current TriMet service to Lake Grove is a regional embarrassment considering the political position attained by some elites and now lost in the past decade.

Due to endorsement and manipulating processes for both the LOPT DEIS on the WSL ROW and Foothills District studies. While ignoring the impending collapse of the Elk Rock Tunnel. Ready to form the Elk Rock Rapids at Willamette River mile 19.0.

Oh by the way it is a 1 mile walk to the WEB locale from the nearest set of TriMet stops on the SW corner of the Lake Oswego High School.

I (Attempt to) Ride (WITH A SUBSTANTIAL WALK AND ROLL) TriMet To Lake Grove.

More fiction from the transit oriented development/urban renewal crowd that was booted out last November. Remember that Bill Tierney was the only incumbent running in the last election and that he flipped on the streetcar a year ago because he knew he couldn't get re-elected as a streetcar proponent. Voters gave him the boot anyway. Now he just sounds like a sore loser. Tierney is also part of the Keep Lake Oswego Great (KLOG) PAC that are reconstituting themselves as the Coalition for Lake Oswego and putting out the same phony story line about the right wing takeover. As one of the many, many self respecting Lake Oswego Democrats who worked so hard last election to get the arrogant Regional Vision cabal out of power I say "Keep Tyranny Out Of Politics"

Part of the reason Lake Oswego and Clackamas County went against the current political regime in power is Metro and TriMet have become almost extremist outfits. Metro sends out this survey this week saying effectively, sorry folks but the Oregon legislature mandated you must drive your car 60% or so less than currently (for me that's like I get to drive my pick up truck 800 miles per year as I only drive about 2,000 miles now). Metro acts like it had nothing to do with this supposed mandate. If anything we might actually be better driving more in the future as individual transport technology is likely to become automated allowing for more efficiency in use of existing road capacity. In fact, taxi service might become self service with a robot doing the driving. Google that!

But anyways, if you are going to continue to act like a top down planning totalitarian like Metro and TriMet; I think it only appropriate citizens and communities begin rebelling with vigor.

This whole group sounds like a bunch of inflated egos trying to find a stage big enough for their ideas.

I guess they really think they are the next Arab spring or whatever historical event they can claim to ennoble their cause.

The progressive wing, and Goldschmidt mafia swept into power in LO, largely unnoticed. They brought Judy Hammerstat, and a cadre of so-called 'public servants.' People just below the surface of elected government, but with big plans for the voters that were busy trying to raise their families and live life. Besides dropping $20 million they did not have for a building that lately wasn't worth half that, they also unveiled plans for breaking the bank with other schemes. And now they are out there, plotting a return to power.

They say, 'follow the money.' And the money flowed to a mayoral candidate that is/was a part of this mind set. The local guy, financed mostly from inside the city, prevailed. But it was close.

One hopes that in coming elections, the spendthrifts and pure politicians are clearly identified, Alinsky-style, and held from ever taking the reins again. They have proven they are unworthy of people's trust.

The old regime of Tierney, the Chamber of Commerce, the KLOGs, and now the new Coalition (of KLOG-ettes) believe in a style of representative democracy whereby they put in place their candidates, and then the preferred elected officials acted as representatives of the "people" (really KLOGites) regardless of whether or not popular opinion was with them. The KLOG Coalition was In power for so long they got greedy. Their visions for LO outstripped anything the average citizen ever wanted. And now they want desperately to get back into power to try again. Their whole lives and identities as big fish in this little pond are being flushed away along with the power they once held. Propping up inflated egos is not a good reason for anyone to vote for the old ways.

Grass roots uprisings as we saw in last fall's election cannot be co-opted by the KLOG Coalition's marketing strategy of "Remember the Arab Spring!" and calling reformers right-wing. They think the last election was a close call and not a mandate. They don't understand what we do, that the majority rejects what they have to offer, and once free, people do not willingly put themselves back in chains.

Oh, what a world! What a world! Who would have thought good little people like you could destroy our beautiful visioning? Oooooh, look out! We're going! Oooooh! Ooooooh!

Bob Clark, I Googled:

Oregon legislature mandated you must drive your car 60% or so less than currently...

and got nothing back.

In any case, what kind of survey mandates? A mandate is not an occasion to survey itself, as far as I see it.

Grass roots uprisings as we saw in last fall's election cannot be co-opted by the KLOG Coalition's marketing strategy. . . .

Even here in Portland Polite, there was a measure of uprising. In the Mayoral race, nearly 20,000 write-in votes and 38,000 under-votes. The Fritz and Nolan Commissioner race had over 2,000 write-ins and nearly 68,000 under-votes.


I think that Hales got the message from the
write-in votes. He is being nice to the Neighbors for Responsible Growth because he
can't stay in office if the homeowners and car owners fight back.

Were the under votes for the Mayor's race?

Hugs to all-


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