
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on March 14, 2013 12:48 PM. The previous post in this blog was What actually gets sent to the IRS when you e-file your tax return?. The next post in this blog is Quotation of the Year (so far). Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Thursday, March 14, 2013

Stenchy bringing people together

The prospect of a new food compost stink factory, along the lines of the one that has wrecked North Plains, reportedly has the folks in the Stafford area near Tualatin and West Linn banding together against a common enemy. Could it be that a lot of petty differences are evaporating in the face of a deadly external threat?

Comments (8)

More likely it will be a lesson in the kind of Oregonians who "matter" (the Stafford-type demographic) vs. those who don't (North Plains).

Composting is relative to agriculture and therefore Oregon land use laws should be amended to allow compost facilities on farmland rather than close in to urban centers.

2013 Mar 14 Thursday 13:45 U (1:45 PM PT)

Lot's of truth wrt lack of planning coordination in the article - notably infrastructure and especially sewer.

For ratepayers in Portland I would keep an eye on the Tryon Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant (TCWP) Community Advisory Committee (CAC) [TCWP_CAC].

Plant is owned and operated by the Portland Bureau of Environmental Services (PBES). Locale is in Lake Oswego see above website or Google Earth coordinates, 45°25'18.06"N, 122°39'31.22"W

Make sure you do not pay one penny for expansion of TCWP treatment capacity to service the Stafford Hamlet. And induce speculative real estate development ala Metro's failed efforts in Damascus.

The TCWP capacity is currently proposed by CH2M Hill consultants to be increased nearly 33%. An open house is to be held in April at the West End Building. Good luck getting there and back by TriMet.

"No rats were harmed in the taking of this picture."

As long as economics trump human values and lack of respect for all life values, we will be in for a fight while constantly livability is chipped and compromised away. This has to be changed. The compromises have gone too far. It is time to have the conversation as to whether we have had enough with Metro dictates. In my view we need to put our foot down and say the priorities have to be changed. Human and life values can no longer be put down low on the totem pole. There have been enough meetings when it has been way too easy for certain ones to smirk and cast sideway glances at people who want to elevate human/life considerations. . . at some point this cannot continue. At the same time, we cannot let the "pretend" green crowd shove this stuff into our faces on that they are acting to "save the planet." Follow the money trail.

As I recall that location was the site of the local dump 60+ years ago.

"Could it be that a lot of petty differences are evaporating in the face of a deadly external threat?"

Remember, the enemy of my enemy is my friend.

So they built the school there?
Do adults really watch out for the children or is it more handy to use "it's for the children?"
for nefarious endeavors.

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