Poster child for reneging on government pensions
As governments nationwide try to figure out how to cut back what their aging workers get in retirement, cases like this make the average taxpayer's blood boil.
As governments nationwide try to figure out how to cut back what their aging workers get in retirement, cases like this make the average taxpayer's blood boil.
Comments (11)
This DOES make my blood boil. She will also have a primo retiree health insurance plan, calPERS plans are rich.
Posted by PDX Grace | March 27, 2013 5:44 PM
CA has been run by idiots for a long time and it is really starting to take a toll. Bell City woke a few people up, then the news came out about life guards retiring with $100K pensions. Stockton is in bankruptcy court as we speak trying to make everyone other than Calpers pay the tab. It isn't going to stop since it is basic math. And the useless morons who run CA won't do anything about it since they whored themselves out to the unions a long time ago.
Posted by Andy | March 27, 2013 6:22 PM
Poster child for eliminating public employee unions.
Posted by tankfixer | March 27, 2013 7:05 PM
That's about how much the Cogens make annually, no? Between Jeff Cogen's salary and his wife's salary as director of the Portland Children's Levy, plus benefits.
Posted by Mike | March 27, 2013 7:12 PM
Nice example of the disaster known as BOregon. Top 10 in public employee compensation, including teachers, and education system ranked at the bottom ten. Oh yeah, drop out rate 30 percent. And so, due to the unfunded liablity known as PERS, Oregon is a failed state. Bend school district slated to layoff 700 teachers next school year due to the PERS burden which is over 20 percent of the budget. What next the following year? Another 700 teachers? This is insane. PERS is killing Oregon. Meanwhile, Kitz is taking trips to Asia and Europe with his girlfriend. What the hell?
Posted by Oregon Outback | March 27, 2013 7:45 PM
Public employee pensions and healthcare in retirement will be the lightning rod that galvanizes them in their fight against the taxpayers.
It will also be the lightning rod which will break them.
The math is impossible, local/state/federal. Everyone will lose.
That which cannot be paid, quite simply won't be paid.
Posted by BB | March 27, 2013 9:05 PM
"That which cannot be paid, quite simply won't be paid."
Of course it will be paid...they'll continue to steal more and more in the form of fees, taxes and head count taxes 'for the children'.
The mindless morons that continue to vote this trash in to office will continue to do so because they are lazy and stupid.
Posted by thaddeus | March 27, 2013 9:22 PM
Not to detract in any way from this jaw-dropping story, but everyone is aware that we're talking about the county administrator, right? That means that the odds that she is in a union are vanishingly small, approaching zero to many decimal places.
So while the insanity bashing is fine, the union bashing is out of place.
Posted by John Gear | March 27, 2013 11:15 PM
John Gear; It's likely the county administrator started out in a union position many years ago and eventually became an "exempt" or "management" level employee. That's pretty much the way many of her types of positions are filled.
I might also add as a former resident of Alameda County, that except for a number of wealthy areas; most of the residents of the county are middle or lower income. And many in the cities of Oakland and Hayward are at low or poverty income levels.
Posted by Dave A. | March 28, 2013 6:30 AM
If SS stops taxing income beyond a certain amount, pensions should only pay out to that same level.
Posted by Tim | March 28, 2013 9:31 AM
I don't think the County Administrator was a union person.
There Will Be No Economic Recovery. Prepare Yourself Accordingly
Posted by al m | March 28, 2013 11:58 AM