OMG! Is that Nutsy?
A reader who likes to tease us sent us a couple of photos yesterday with a two-word caption: "He's back!" They're taken too far away from the subject to make a positive identification, but it sure looks like failed Portland mayoral candidate Jeffy Smith making a speech at a hotel somewhere. And is that his dad, ersatz Joe Kennedy, standing in the back? Maybe Pops had the good sense to handle driving over to the place:

Apparently Smith was preaching to the opponents of the light rail boondoggle over in the 'Couv. That is so pitiful. They are so screwed.
That guy is pure comedy gold, until he snaps and whacks somebody. And lucky us, he won't get off the stage. Wait 'til he runs for something else, and even more dirt appears. You know there's more out there, just waiting. Not to mention what else he'll screw up between now and then. Can you imagine if the IRS ever showed up to take a look at the "Bus Project"? We're talking reality TV show.
Comments (12)
We've been watching Netflix's "House of Cards" lately... priceless.
"All aboard the RailVolution™!"
Posted by Mr. Grumpy | March 31, 2013 1:10 PM
Geez, Tom Potter looks great in the aftermath of Adams, now Hales and Jefferson Smith. That's saying a lot about the ineptitude of Portland's city hall. Will our electorate ever give someone like Lavonne-Griffith (City Auditor) a chance of bringing fiscal sanity to the City as Mayor or Commissioner?
Posted by Bob Clark | March 31, 2013 2:01 PM
This was a Stop CRC rally in Vancouver, and yes, Jefferson Smith did attend and give a brief speech. I asked him to. Why? Because he is one of the few current and former elected officials that had the GUTS to stand up and oppose one of the worst transportation boondoggles of our time. That's more than I can say about most of the elected Dems and many of the current elected R's (Senate and House) in Oregon.
He gave one of the best speeches at the event. Pretty tough to do as a progressive guy trying to feed "red meat" to a mostly conservative group. But this project is so corrupt that he came and supported many WA legislators that are now faced with the incredible force of corrupt politicians, special interest lobbyists and threats. Some of them have already received threats.
I commend and thank Jefferson for taking the time to come and support local area businesses and citizens who feel helpless against this boondoggle.
BTW: he was denied numerous campaign donations while running for Mayor because he does not support the CRC or the crony groups behind it.
I am proud of the work I have done with Jefferson regarding the CRC and the bipartisan coalition he helped form in the past several months.
Posted by Lindsay Berschauer | March 31, 2013 4:30 PM
It's a shame you had to stoop that low. Smith is a bad joke, and now you have become part of it.
Posted by Jack Bog | March 31, 2013 4:46 PM
Jack...see what you're going to miss out on making fun and useful comments on starting Friday?
Please don't go!!!
Posted by LexusLibertarian | March 31, 2013 8:20 PM
I attended an Easter gathering, out of state, and someone asked where we were from, and I had to reluctantly admit, Portland.
"Oh Portland is so cool" remarked the person and I said, "only if you don't live there. We have pretty much left".
Eventually the word will reach the uneducated masses. It has already reached any business who might possibly have located brought family wage jobs to the area.
I am doing my best to tell anyone who will listen what a mess the City has become.
Posted by portland native | March 31, 2013 8:23 PM
What is Smith doing now besides giving speeches? Does he have a day job?
Posted by Nolo | March 31, 2013 8:23 PM
He is a youth community organizer.
Posted by Jack Bog | March 31, 2013 9:14 PM
I have posted videos of each of the presentations at:
Posted by jim karock | March 31, 2013 9:43 PM
I am doing my best to tell anyone who will listen what a mess the City has become.
Relatives were here for a few days, he could not believe the news around here.
They can see every time they visit how much worse it gets each year.
I talked to a young person on the phone last week from Wyoming, didn't know her it was a customer service call, she mentioned people from Portland were talking to her about moving here, by the time I was done explaining things to her, I don't think she will be coming. I essentially told her if she likes open space and nature and doesn't want to live in an expensive tiny apartment, she may want to reconsider. I think the last straw was when I told her about our parks dept. chopping down a perfectly healthy 120 foot tall Sequoia 18 ft. around to make room for a bike path. It is amazing how shocking this sounds to people as I have told this to others who do not live here about it. They find it difficult to believe that any parks bureau would do this and in Portland!
Posted by clinamen | March 31, 2013 10:24 PM
"He is a youth community organizer."
I thought for a minute you were going to say he had a REAL job. You know, one where he isn't feeding his ego, building his base and looking for the next open stage door. I feel for his family.
Posted by Nolo | April 1, 2013 8:17 AM
Say what you want about stopped clocks, but he's right about the CRoCk:
Posted by John Gear | April 1, 2013 8:59 AM