
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on March 20, 2013 3:45 PM. The previous post in this blog was Check Frank Gable's cell. The next post in this blog is "Creative class" strategy is a total bust. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Nonstop comedy at Portland City Hall

This is a howler. Admiral Randy's people in the Portland permit office are still ramming through the red-tagged no-parking cr-apartment complex on Division Street, and they're not even letting on to the City Council, much less the outraged neighbors, what they're up to. This kind of backroom dealmaking was standard procedure during the Sam Rand Reign of Terror, but the new guy on the council isn't amused:

"I am distressed and baffled," says City Commissioner Steve Novick. "Apparently, they got different legal advice from the City Attorney's Office. BDS did not feel they had an obligation to inform either the neighbors or City Council."

And now here comes your comedy moment of the day: Spineless Jelly Fish, who went along like a floozy with every bully move the Admiral made over the last couple of years, jumps up and does his Claude Rains act:

"I'm outraged that the Council was not consulted about this by the Bureau of Development Services," says Commissioner Nick Fish. "This particular development is almost a poster child for concerns that citizens have brought to Council throughout the city."

Fish said BDS' move made the city look sneaky. "Ultimately," he said, "people have to be accountable."

It's too late, Nick. People know who you are.

Maybe it's time for the Admiral's holdover flunkies in the "development services" bureau, like his cronies left over in the rogue water bureau, to take the PERS and move on. That city attorney's office sure seems to need some new blood as well.

Comments (21)

Well, hell, good for Novick. Between this and his campaigning for better roads in East Portland recently, he's making a few good moves.

This Fish(y) moment is not too unlike Hales saying we didn't know the young college age kid was going to get hit with the $35 arts tax when he happen to do some dog sitting. Right! Nurse Amanda if memory serves me correctly specifically asked that these aspiring professionals pay the Arts tax too (putting this in on the day the Council approved the measure for the ballot.)

Our Mayor reminds me of the mayor featured in McHale's Navy, only the latter didn't have much power other than that of being figure head. Unfortunately, our Mayor (past and present) is a non stop financial burden.

What Mike Hayakawa and Rebecca Essau and friend did at BDS was outrageous.

1. They told the Richmond Neighbors et al that the permit for SE 37th was void after the LUBA action.

2. Relying on the voidness of the permit, the Richmonders allow the LUBA appeal period to expire.

3. Soon after the appeal period expires, and with new parking minimums possible, BDS
reverses its position about the permit being void. Instead, Mr Sackoff is told that he can submit a revised application, and circumvent, well, everything. No need to meet with the neighbors or discuss new standards.

4. In my crystal ball I see BDS approving the permit soon. Mike Hayakawa will say that BDS had no choice but to change its position and fast-track approval.

5. This is a defining moment for Hales- he sides with Portland citizens or with Dennis Sackoff.

" I am shocked! Shocked..."

It's too late, Nick.

It sure is.

"Ultimately," he said, "people

Make implies there is some doubt. City hall will never give you a straight answer if it makes them look bad.

OMG. Dennis sackhoff, the cretin who built our first POS spec house. The guy shouldn't be permitted to build children's sandboxes.

1. They told the Richmond Neighbors et al that the permit for SE 37th was void after the LUBA action.

Just like the old saying goes, you know when Portland officials are lying when you see their lips move.

The city is run by dishonorable people. Vito Corleone had more honor.

Let's not lose focus. The problem here is not Nick Fish. He's standing up for what's right here and should be given credit for it. Our neighborhood is currently appealing to him on a similar problem, and I have every reason to believe he'll come through for us.

The problem, as WW has noted in an update, is the mayor, Charlie Hales, who was apparently aware of the dirty dealing over the revised permit. If Fish and Novick can get another vote on the council, they should be able to make the case that the permit was fraudulently obtained and put a stop to it.

We keep waiting to see evidence of a spine.


Hey, you are a lawyer. Here's a weird concern, and you can tell me if I am being too sensitive.

BDS is supposedly relying on the advice of a city attorney re: the permit is not void, but can be submitted as a revision. Maybe that that position (permit not void) is defensible in the abstract, maybe not.

However, I can't imagine a city attorney telling the Bureau of Development Services to let the Richmonders rely on their position (permit void) and then change their position( permit not void)and pull the rug out from under them the Richmonders as soon as the appeal period expired.

Anyway, there is something wrong. Either a city attorney is giving less than ethical advice (sandbag the Richmonders) or BDS is playing games with a city attorney by asking the wrong questions and mis-reporting the advice.

Your thoughts?

RICO baby.. RICO...

Did the Richmond Neighbors have a lawyer?

I met Claude Rains. He was type cast. Nick should audition for any up coming sequel.

Good luck Richmonders!
If you can beat the BDS on this one it may crack open the door....
If that happens a flood of future transparency may break through, at least for a while.
That would be nice.

Dear G,

The Richmond neighbors hired a top gun
(Ty Wyman) from a big firm. They held fundraisers for legal bills. Mr. Wyman won against steep odds.

Disclosure: I made a donation to this cause.
Beaumont neighbors for Responsible Growth and Richmond Neighbors for Responsible Growth would
both appreciate a shout out and a small check.

After the wreck Richmond, my neighborhood is next ....

"City attorney"? More like city "consigliere".

The Sam-Rand back door to City Hall is still open for those who pay to play.

THe Richmonders a may have an estopple claim against the city. Wheher hat can sop the developer is anoher issue.

Certainly the Richmonders should be filing a bar complain with the OSB "ethics" folks against both Jim Van Dyke and whatever Assistant City Attorney was involved in this. y Wyman ought to be doing that ASAP.

Char-LIE has shown his stripes.


"Let's not lose focus. "

Agreed. And the big picture is that they want us all to be stuffed into a sardine can and leave the countryside to be exploited for the privileged only.

Agenda 21 is not a fantasy - it IS the blueprint for all this undesired infill. Charles Hales is not specifically implementing Agenda 21. Those strings are being manuevered by way of access to construction funding and urban planning schemes created by various "think tanks", which are then shoved into university programs which then produce our modern planners.

More than one way to bring back the privileged class with middle class in a downward spiral. As Tim stated they want us all to be stuffed into a sardine can and leave the countryside to be exploited for the privileged only.

The plan then is the infill living in a sacrificed zone with nature destroyed left and right replaced with man-made urban landscapes. The extreme density to be accompanied with the needed behavioral component for most of the people. The privileged can easily leave for their abodes in the countryside. What are the next steps?
$100. fee to even enter the National Park System?

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