
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on March 11, 2013 4:28 PM. The previous post in this blog was Breaking news: Municipal bond fraud. The next post in this blog is Hillsboro signs up for giant cr-apartment bomb. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Monday, March 11, 2013

Nanny state takes a hit

The New York soda police have been put out of business, at least for the time being.

Comments (7)

So who's to say you aren't splitting that 32 oz. Coke with your friend or family member? While you're at it, stop the people who are walking out of the liquor store with the 5th of rot gut or the carton of cigs. This is the United States of America...if you want to swim in a pool of soda I say go for it as long as you didn't use any of my tax money to pay for it.

I say go for it as long as you didn't use any of my tax money to pay for it.

Why not? We'll be there to pay for your insulin, your amputations and your seeing-eye dog.

[i]Why not? We'll be there to pay for your insulin, your amputations and your seeing-eye dog.[/i]

And whose decision was that?

If "we" (the public at large) decide that "we" need to pay for everyone's medical care, then "we" have no business complaining about how much it costs and demanding that people change their behavior to make "our" choice less expensive. "We" can shut the **** up and pay it, or maybe reconsider whether we want to pay it at all.

"Amen Mark Jones,
Preach it brother."

THE Mark, from Bea and Clay?

First it's soda, in the guise of helping you be healthy and to save future tax dollars on your health care.
Eventually it will be restrictions on risky sports activities...
Under the same premise.
Do you really want to live in such a society ?

When I buy soda, which is rarely, I buy the largest cup (especially when the price differential is small), fill the cup to the top with ice, then a bit of soda, then more ice. The 32 oz cup probably has barely 12 oz of soda, but it lasts all day long.

And what's going to prevent me from buying two sodas? Somewhere, someone needs to stop the nanny state, and start a trend.

As with the rest of you, I am much more comfortable being manipulated by the agribusiness and food processing industries in furtherance of their profit motives, rather than to subscribe to any do-gooder, commie notions of a public health interest in restricting my intake of poison.

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