
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on March 13, 2013 2:46 PM. The previous post in this blog was Business? Anywhere but Portland.. The next post in this blog is Cardinals go with youth movement. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Memo to Neil and Tiffany: Resign

Here's a pair to draw to:

Addressing an investigation by The Oregonian, which showed the TriMet boss quietly tapped into a rainy day fund to give $910,000 in pay raises for executives and non-union managers, McFarlane conceded, "We didn’t do a very good job" with transparency.

"My apologies for that," he said during the meeting at TriMet's new downtown Portland headquarters. "We have to do better, and we will."

In response, TriMet’s board of directors admitted knowing about McFarlane’s plans for the phantom pay raises, ending a 3½-year pay freeze for non-union workers, even as the agency prepared to cut service and raise fares in a tough economy.

Board member Tiffany Sweitzer said the raises were brought up in "internal budget discussions" last spring. She conceded that TriMet leaders and the board should have done a better job of letting the public know about the pay adjustments.

"It’s a lesson we need to follow through," Sweitzer said.

The only "follow through" that's needed here is new leadership for the hopelessly insolvent Tri-Met. McFarlane, Sweitzer (Homer Williams's stepdaughter), the Pamplin guy, Warner, and the rest of the face cards, top to bottom, need to move on.

Today's touching confessions took place "in Tri-Met's new downtown Portland headquarters" -- rented from Legend Dan Saltzman, of course. And just up the street from some serious devastation caused by the Mystery Train to Milwaukie. "Sorry" is the right word for the whole scene.

Comments (13)

Typical BS from the Portland political arroganti... "We'll do better next time", i.e., "Sorry, get over it".

You mean "[We are] sorry [we got caught], we'll do better [at hiding it] next time."

Screw the apologies, if they don't resign, recall them. Oregon law provides for it...use it.

See the Oregon Recall Guide online. It states that elected and appointed public officials are subject to recall...that means that each and every member of the TriMet board is susceptible to recall efforts.

I think it way past time to terminate Neil McFarlane, given his propensity to blame others for his mistakes and to deal dishonestly with the public he is supposed to serve. He is a fraud and serves somebody other than the public. If the board does not terminate him, they are complicit in the continuation of the fraud and have abrogated the duties they were bound to carry out as board members. A clear reason for recall so far as I am concerned.

Godfry, I share your sentiment; however even if this recall succeeded, the Governor would simply appoint the next passel of impressionable, window-seat-riding grandees to help keep the sweet-sweet construction sugar comin'.

And (as we recently learned with Sam Adams) it's very, very difficult to recall somebody, even when it's completely justified. Sadly, I doubt that enough people in the TriMet district care about this sufficiently to spend the time.

I agree...it's way beyond time to put an end to TriMet's appointed political hack board.

I suggest a Constitutional Amendment that prohibits ANY governmental board anywhere in the state that has the authority to levy taxes, from having an board that is made up of anything OTHER than people elected by residents of the district.

(Yup, that'd also hit the Port of Portland, too.)

McFarlane is as accomplished at blaming others he might be ready for a White House appointment. He can't match the Master Deceiver. But Portland is but a sliver, and the entire US still being picked over.

Watch Neils PATHETIC SPEECH for yourself.

Not one piece of regret or humanity.
It's like he is totally unaware that there is public outrage.
He lives in some sort of bubble in a parallel universe.

Trimet is definitely an oligarchy and its just scary to watch the arrogance going on there.

"business as usual"
Is he kidding or what?

And THIS idiot only wishes the raises had been higher.

Can you believe the arrogance here.
They just thumb their nose at the public.

Tiffany is Homer William's stepdaughter. The next generation of grifters has arrived.

Destroy trees and bulldoze structures for trains that run on burned coal? That's Good for Oregon™ !

Destroy trees and bulldoze structures for highways? That's an unacceptable blight!

Destroy a grand Sequoia tree in Pier Park for a green-way path for bikes/walks?
and plans for a paved road through the Sequoia stand is acceptable too?
We the people must take a stand to protect these Sequoia's.

A couple of new revelations going on:
Portland Transport

al m, I was at one of the spring board meetings when OPAL and others asked about that $20 Million contingency change. They asked explicitly whey the change, and why at least $10 Million couldn't be used to save some bus services as well as address the safety issues that were being raised.

The Board knew exactly that they were hiding the real reason for the change-THEIR PAY RAISES! But they did their dance and stated that they needed that much contingency for cover the unexpected. Each Board member concurred including Steve Clark, Editor of Pamplin's Portland Tribune. Pay raises for themselves wasn't unexpected. Citizens will remember this as well as OPAL, and I hope the media, except for the Tribune.

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