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Saturday, March 30, 2013

Little Lord Paulson is "radioactive"

Read all about it. Or not, whatever.

Comments (8)

"Fought City Council 'tooth and nail'?"

I don't remember that. I remember Sam and Randy being firmly attached to Paulson's a** in a 'perma-suction kiss of subservience.'

Do these hooligans live in some kind of alternate universe?

My thoughts exactly Godfrey. It's easier than ever to go back and literally replay what happened these days, and yet the revisionist history keeps getting worse.

I had to stop reading part way through. Who knows how long it went on? And IT'S ONLY "PART 1." Obviously the epic Paulson story cannot be contained in one issue.

Before I stopped, I read that Merritt is, "a bulldog of a politician who somehow solved Portland's notoriously stagnant city government," a film critic for the Oregonian wrote to Paulson pere to thank him personally for "raising a mensch", and he has a "must follow Twitter feed."

We get the usual about him pulling himself up by the bootstraps and not taking the easy route to Goldman Sachs because he didn't want to be in anyone's shadow (um, yeah).

And while the article does talk about his ownership of the Beavers later while he vociferously denies that he is or was a "baseball man," the first paragraphs are devoted to the image of him pushing baseball out in favor of soccer without noting that he bought the Beavers first and then threw them under the bus.

Please, no more fawning articles about the tough, weird yet winningly boyish owner of the Timbers and his many victories over the stubborn and stupid Portlanders who don't know what Manchester United is and (horrors) do not recall Ferris Bueller.

I won't take a back seat to anyone in the degree of my disdain for Little Lord Paulson and the con he pulled on the Ubergullible SanRand twins re PGE Park; the Beavers, and soccer, but.....

C'mon guys, he story ran in a single interest periodical dedicated to MSL nut cases....what'd anyone expect?

That the out of town author ignored the process which led to the current soccer situation in PDX really isn't a sign that revisionist history is taking over.

Just my $ 0.02.

After reading through as much of the article as I could stomach, I'd have thought the Timbers were rocking and winning. Their 7th out of 9 teams. Blah!

If Paulson the younger wants to be taken seriously as his own man, he should recommend serious jail time for pop.

Hank Paulson is one of the biggest crooks in modern history and not only broke laws by the bushel, but took the country down with him.

Boy, and I thought Alan Giegerich's love notes to Sam Adams were sycophantic. My advice to the author: I sure hope you got dinner and a movie, too.

Did I say "Alan"? I meant "Andy". Or as Sam Adams called him, "Rubber Band Man".

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