
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on March 15, 2013 7:44 AM. The previous post in this blog was Fix is apparently in on Washington side of CRoCk. The next post in this blog is Portland bike share folly will be at least a year late. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Friday, March 15, 2013

Here -- waste your time

Take an absurd Portland "planner" survey so that the city can claim to have sought community input before doing what the developers want. One side benefit: You'll get to sample first hand some of the most manipulative questions you've ever encountered. "Apartment bunkers: Excellent, great, or very good?"

Comments (14)

Its bad enough to have our home and neighborhood values destroyed by the planners. Its quite another " To pay more for it."
Lets set up an underground fort to meet and discuss amongst ourselves things like hiring " Dirtbags for hire ."
D.F.H. would meet and greet all tenants of the Concrete Bunkers as they come and go.
Remember the No Fur Folks?
I will build D.F.H. if I have too. First meeting with Chief Reese to discuss his fee to look away AND protect my peoples.
With the cities new sick leave policy however we will not come cheap. BUT, we will save your hood.
Anyone know where I can get a White horse cheap ?

The survey results become part of the public record.

Please take it- for yucks.

When they asked for race I checked all the boxes and filled in the "other" box with the word, human.

Question 3 asks how the city should "regulate development to support a healthy economy and a healthy environment in and around industrial areas." My favorite of the five allowed choices is this: "Zone more land for industrial development; for instance rezone a golf course for industrial use and natural resource protection, or land currently designated for retail, office or other commercial uses for industrial use."

The words "for instance rezone a golf course" refer to the Colwood Golf Course. It's amusing to see the city make a quasi-judicial land use decision through an online survey.

Issac, I thought that the golf course reference was really odd. Hilarious.

On a serious note, I am disturbed by this "push poll."

The city is broke, but we have time & money to poll residents about whether we should have rebates and incentives for privately owned businesses. Remember, these programs create work for administrators. Very high overhead.

Mamacita, I noticed that a lot of the responses to the questions included compound answers. A question that read "How do you think we should improve X?" is followed by answers like "We should do A and B" so that you can't support A without also supporting B. To stretch this technique, imagine this question: "Many senior citizens who live in Portland are concerned about finances and their ability to afford to stay here, and also about public safety. How should we address this problem?" for which one of the answers might be "Protect Social Security and impose the death penalty for purse-snatchers."

Wait until they announce the results demonstrating "overwhelming public support" for some real amusement. I don't know why they bother with these anymore, they should just go ahead and announce the results they want, then claim any dissenters must've simply not been paying attention.

Totally absurd push poll. CoP should be ashamed.

Isaac has it right about "compound" questions with two, sometimes three lead in assumptions then the real question. Like "Reduce longstanding inequities by making sure that services meet minimum standards, especially low income communities....."...then the real question(s).

Embarrassment, and we pay for this in so many ways.

The "survey monkey" says it all! They lost me at the first question asking how I would spend $100 on infrastructure. Oh please! Spare me!
And I don't want the city tracking my email either!

The "How would you spend $100 on infrastructure" was missing some choices: plan a charrette, hire a consultant, organize a focus group, and form a new bureau.

Issac, did you hear about city sponsored "envisoning" sessions in local church basements?
Is there a choice where we can drop some dried shitake mushrooms and mind meld with Unitarians?

How about a survey that has:
None of the above.
What part of NO don't you understand?

Amen! clinamen

I put that we speak Klingon at home.

I also gave up on the comments.

I did suggest they just buy the planners Sim City, so they could play with that instead of our streets and sanity.

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